Monday, October 23, 2006

Naked for $500 Alex

I've been meaning to blog about this for over a week now. The moment has passed and I should just let it go but I can't. It's just too good.
Last Friday our kids were spending the night at my parents' house. We were going to have a date but didn't know exactly what we were going to do yet. I get a call from my aunt inviting me to Strip Jeopardy at a little place on Hawthorne. She assures me that it's just a fun little gathering. Her friends have done it before, they are mothers so I assume it will be low key and no one will actually get nekkid. I was WRONG.
The contenders are a guy named Brendan who was good looking and had a decent body, Katie who is my aunt's friend and then there was Tom. Ugh, Tom. He was about 100 lbs overweight with hair pouring out of all of his clothing.
The game is exactly what it sounds like, you sit on a panel (barstools) and are asked random questions. You get it right, you stay dressed. Wrong, remove something. Unfortunately for us, Tom was really bad at this game. So was everyone else. They were all naked except for a strategically placed viking hat on Brendan and some panties on Katie. Tom was totally nude.
I know, we should have left before it got to that point. That's what my husband kept telling me. I couldn't pull myself away! It was a train wreck that had to be finished.
Anyhow...the moral of this story? Don't trust mothers.


kara said...

No Fish Go Fish! I've heard about it but never gone. Mayhap more booze should be imbibed beforehand?

Sarah said...

Yes, mayhap mayhap. Mayhap? Oh, there's no amount of booze that could have prepared me for Tom.
Why are you awake at 8am?

froelica said...

Hellooooooo Sarah!
Lookie who found your blog.... me.
So, I'm curious. Whatcha gonna be for Halloween (if you want to keep it secret that's ok). I'm gonna be roadkill (of the raccoon variety) and James wants to be one of those ninja skeleton dudes from Karate Kid. That would be hi-larious, unfortunately I don't think he has the time (nor the ingenuity) to prepare it. I told him he should be one of The Foot, you know..... Shredder's dudes :)

Sarah said...

Ashley, I'm going to be a flapper. Not very clever but it's a good costume.
I love the roadkill idea. I never think of the good stuff.
James should totally be one of The Foot. The Karate Kid one would be good too. Dang, you should write a book! (or a blog at the least...)

froelica said...

I was seriously considering going with a flapper costume. It think they're supercute. Yes. I invented a word. What of it?

Emily said...

Sarah I found your blog and Ashley's too... I think I am going to be hooked.... I am however neglecting my children and my house a bit... (ok maybe just my house) - both the girls are down for a nap right now..... but I think it would take a lot for me to get off the couch right now.... By the way - your blog about the fatty fatty 2 by 4 makes me very happy that you are closer with Sarah T than me... I might of had to endure that instead!! :)

Emily said...

By the way... I can't believe that you were up and posting at 7:30am - we really are growing up!!!

Emily said...

I have a blog now too...
not enough time in the day

froelica said...

Sarah- Does my blog show two entries or one? When I used the laptop it showed both, but on my computer at work I can only see them seperately, and not together... So I'm confused. Oh and hi :)

froelica said...

ARRRGGGH!!!! Why is it doing that to me?? What did I do to deserve this horrible blogging glitch. I cant even find peoples comments for today's post. It says 0 comments when I know I'm WAY cool and people would comment on me. That and it sent the comments to my email.... but I'm cool too...