Sunday, April 15, 2007

Play Ball!

It's been awhile since my last post. I'd love to tell you that I've had a lot of interesting things going on and that I have so much to fill you all in on. I don't, not really. What has been keeping me from my blogging is the softball/teeball that is taking over my life. Hayden and Lauren are playing and there are 4 games/practices to take them to (and stay at) every week. It's a little much but it's so worth it to see them out there playing baseball. It's freaking adorable.

And since I know you're dying to know about how my pregnancy is going, who isn't? Oh, well since you's going great! I am not sick anymore, which is definitely a relief. I have my appetite back, only it's for the wierdest crap. I went into Albertson's tonight to pick up something for dinner and came out with (no, I'm not kidding) 2 Totino's pizzas, 2 tubes of Pringles, a block of Tillamook cheese, a box of granola bars and a lb of butter. Josh just looked at me and didn't say a thing. We are having mac n' cheese and pizzas for dinner tonight. It won't kill us.

That is all I have to say about that. Yeah, you can call me Forest, Forest Gump.


Susie Q said...

There is absolutely nothing wrong with your food choice, I am drooling...

froelica said...

My exact reaction to your food choices was hunger, followed immediately by the urge to puke and eat lettuce.