Last night, we watched an incredibly well done and entirely disturbing movie. It's called "Downfall" and it's the story of Hitler's last days told by his personal secretary. It's in German, with English subtitles, so watching it with my glasses was a little hard. (old prescription) But I really do recommend the movie. It actually had me crying. I don't cry in movies, ever. There is a scene towards the end where everyone is pretty much desperate. The Russians are just around the corner and the Germans have no way out. Hitler and close friends and associates have hunkered down in a bunker under Berlin, planning to kill themselves if the Germans lose. They all pretty much deserve what's coming to them, but there is a woman with her 5 children with them.
I just kept thinking about how wierd it is to me for someone to commit suicide for honor. I don't really get it. I always think about that when watching something to do with Samurai too. It seems so pathetic, rather than honorable to shoot yourself in the head to get out of having to deal with what you're up against. Basically, these are my deep thoughts for the day. There, I'm going to have another doughnut.
PS. The picture is a genuine Hitler Teapot. Wow.
I am deeply disturbed by that teapot.
I just finished watching Blood Diamond, also heartbreaking.
What I want to know is how long Hitler manages to keep the tea warm for. You know, before he just gives up and blows his ceramic head off.
I can honestly say that's the scariest teapot I've ever seen in my entire life.
By the by- I've seen that movie too. Its pretty kickass.
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