Saturday, August 04, 2007


You all may have seen this already, but it's worth watching again. This is what inmates should be doing in the US instead of lifting weights. Maybe it would humble them a bit. :)


Mac said...

I would pay money to see our inmates do this.

froelica said...

I'd heard about that but I hadn't watched it yet. That's fucking kick-ass. And they're really good!!!

I like the guy dressed up as the girl...

Susie Q said...

Them there Philipinos got their groove on. Uh, huh.

Amy said...

Where in a men's prison did they find a scrunchie and a pink woman's halter top?

And is there any explanation as to why in the hell they were doing it in the first place? I want to say it is the world's greatest answer to "What should we use as a distraction?" for something more nefarious going on.

kara said...

i wanna see shower footage?

no wait...not prison shower footage...BABY shower footage. that totally came out wrong.

James said...

That's amazing.
ps. Amy, who the hell uses the word, "nefarious"?

Emily said...

Wow - I know I'm a bit late but I have to say - that was the funniest thing in the world.... I think that if I ever have to go to jail I will request to go there - they must be fun... :)