I just wrapped a bunch of stocking stuffers. If you're on my list of recipients, close your eyes while reading the rest of this post. I'm not exactly sure how that will work, but feel free to try it. I went shopping last night with Amy. We went out to Hawthorne to Greg's. This is my new favorite store. Where else are you going to find 1/2 inch ninjas? Really! I know what you're thinking...who needs 1/2 inch ninjas? Every man in my family. That's who.
The best purchase of the evening was by far the "Jesus Rocks" chewing gum for my dad. It's just blasphemous enough to be funny. Anything less would be offensive, like for example the Jesus action figure I had in my hands.
You can also get sushi tape, bacon tape, "I Heart Meat" stickers and buttons. (I held back Ashley)
On another retail related note, Amy says that JoAnn's has all of their Valentine's stuff out already. I think they're screwy.
Wow, you guys must think I do nothing but shop. 'Tis the Season!
Sarah - I've been to Target 4 times just this week alone... you think you shop alot? Ha - I can't get enough out of it!!! I think i might actually go back tonight and finish up more stocking stuffers... I think I will avoid Target though this time - maybe I will go to.... Fred Meyer cause that's way different!!! :) I've only been there like 3 times this week! I could go one more time and make it an even 4... then they will be tied and I can finally go somewhere else!!! Yea right - I can't even think of other places to go!
Anyway - I didn't read any of the blog about the stocking stuffers other than the holding back from the "I love meat" for Ashley - I think you should have gone for it!!! It would have been good stuff watching her open that one!
Oh and by the way - I have finally started blogging again - read away my sister - read away!
I agree about the meat.
The fact that you didn't think to get me a 1/2 inch ninja is insulting. After all, the world's finest Ninja Kitten sprang forth from my fertile adoptive-loins, so I must have it in me.
Oh and by the way, if you EVER want to make sure I'll read something, just put "Ashley don't read the rest of this" on there. I have absolutely no will power.
Christmas SqueeeeEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know Greg's. It has saved my ass many a Christmas Eve.
GARRR!!! I've seen you like a dozen times in the last 3 days, and I keep forgetting to give you that check!!! Its just sitting in my checkbook, all made out and purdy. Me thinks I may mail it to you... unless I see you soon and miraculously remember. I'll try to remind James too.
Methinks I shall mail it to you... *searches for your address*
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