That's it! I'm never leaving the house again! The whole world is frantically shopping and I can't even get my stupid errands done!
I left the preschool at 12:30, went to Kohl's to get Josh a shirt for the Christmas party, went across the parking lot to Winco and then further down the parking lot to Jo-Ann's. This took me 3 freaking hours! Geez!
Winco was a nightmare. There were abandoned carts all over the place and we had to park in Egypt. I'm not kidding, it was in Cairo. It took us an hour and a half alone just to get some stupid groceries. On top of that, the lady in front of me in line didn't speak ANY English and the checker didn't speak ANY Spanish. She was trying to use her Oregon Trail card and the machine was malfunctioning. I was ready to scream.
On the upside...I'm done with my errands and have a hot cup of coffee on the table next to me. I'm staring at the beautifully lit tree and listening to K103 on the laptop. I appreciate a station that immediately switches to all Christmas songs as soon as December hits. In fact, I think they started before that. Fabulous.
I've sent my Christmas cards (except you, Kara. I need your address), decorated the house and am almost done with gift shopping. I get to sit back and enjoy this year! I plan to make a lot of cookies and eat even more. (not sure about the logistics of that one)
CALORIES CALORIES CALORIES.... sorry I had to do it (remember that from Steel Magnolias?)
Anyway - sorry about the crazy shoppers - I swear to you I am delaying on finishing my shopping because I don't want to go out there...... I have a mini anxiety attack just thinking about it!!! All I have to do is finish Jon's gift, get an ornament or something small for the Powells, get Morgen and Preston something cheap and the week of Christmas get your kids their little tree frogs... :) but it's not like I have to really think or anything - but I still don't want to do it!!! I just want to be done so I can really enjoy the rest of this season!
I know what you mean about wanting to scream while shopping. When me and James went stocking stuffer shopping last night I came dangerous close to punching multiple persons in the back. On about 6 occasions. Something about peace on earth and good will towards men brings out the punchies in me.
Anywho, I, like you, have had K103 on in the apartment 24/7 for the last week now, thus James is considering breaking up with me. Oh well, less presents for me to buy :)
Sorry about not posting lately. I hate when people take a long time to post. It's not that I'm busy, I've actually been doing nothing but sitting at the computer for 2 straight weeks. I'm just that lazy. I'll write one very soon.
By the by, what are you going to wear to the "PAR-TAY!!!" ? How dressy is "dressy"? I don't want to show up looking like a weirdo, though that's pretty inevitable for me. Especially if there's going to be booze.... Which there will. Mwa ha ha!!! *wrings hands and grins evilly*
make that "dangerously close".
I are spell good.
Ashley, I was talking to James last night and he was cracking me up talking about that stupid song about the shoes. You know the one... Oh, it's so bad it's good.
*puts on santa hat and cowboy boots* *ahem!* :
Sir I wanna buy these shoes
For my momma please.
It's Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her style.
Can you hurry sir?
Daddy's says there's not much time.
You see, she's been sick for quite a while
Know these shoes will make her smile.
Want her to look beautiful
If momma meets Jesus toniiiiiiight.
What the crap kind of Christmas song is that!?!?!
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