Funny thing. Burnt chestnuts smell a lot like pot. And peanut butter. But mostly pot.
We all went out on Saturday night for my mom's birthday. It was fabulous. We all (13 of us) went to Stanfords and I ate a TON of food. I was actually a tad sick from overindulgence. That didn't stop me from repeat eating my leftovers the next day, mind you.
When dinner was over, we went back to my parents' house to roast the chestuts that my dad bought for just that very purpose. Upon entering the house, the lights started to dim. It wasn't more than 20 minutes before the power was completely out. We had fires in both fireplaces, candles lit all over the place and 14 (we aquired Molly along the way) of us to keep eachother warm. My dad wasn't going to let a little thing like no power get in the way of the roasting. We loaded up the roasting pan and stuck it in the fireplace. The first batch just wasn't done. The nuts were still really wet and squishy. So...we tried again. No luck. The outside burned and the middle was still squishy in some places and hard as a freakin' rock in others. Then Jon took over. He spent a good 25 minutes in there by himself, perfecting the chestnuts. Didn't go so well...
The lights suddenly came on and everyone could suddenly see. Jon could also see his nuts. (Don't go there) They were completely charred. There was no nut to speak of anymore. Only shells of charcoal. The whole house was visibly filled with smoke. James came in and said, "smells like weed".
So...moral of the story is chestnuts weren't meant to be roasted over an open fire.
Another moral could be don't smoke things that smell like weed when set on fire.
Wait.... I don't like that one.
I redact it.
Oh and who could forget the best part of the evening-
The lights come back on and 10 minutes later your mom is still reading her Christmas songs by flashlight.
...but weed was.
- Confucious
Hey I have to speak up for my mom.... I was with her and we still couldn't see the darn words with or without the lights on... we NEEDED the flashlight!! Or maybe it was because she had had a few too many that night... we will never know...
Good times though!!! Chestnuts do smell like weed - the crap kind though - the cheap crap you would have in highschool when you didn't know any better... :) Not that I know anything about that! I am a youth pastors wife - I know nothing of weed!!!
You know, a week ago, I left a comment on Sarah and Rob's thingery-doo and it said they would have to personally admit it for it to be shown. Meanwhile, they've already posted once more, and my comment is nowhere to be found.
Simple mistake or Anti-Ashley conspiracy? You decide...
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