Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Deep Thoughts-By, Sarah

I've been thinking about something for the last couple of days. I suppose here's a good place to "jot" it down.
I have a facebook account, and on it I have an application called "My Cities" or something. It's a map with little virtual pins to show the places I've been. I have always known that I haven't really gone anywhere, so it came as no surprise to me to see how little of the map I covered. It got me feeling a little bit sad though. I have never been to Canada, let alone overseas anywhere. (Unless you count Hawaii, which you don't.) I always have said, "when my kids are older, I'll travel" but deep down, I always wondered if I really would. It's something I want to do, but will it be a priority? Maybe, maybe not. What finally dawned on me though is that what was a priority to me was having a family. That was the first and most important piece of business I wanted to accomplish in my life. I did it already, so I am content. Most of my friends are on the opposite side of this so it seemed like I should be too, but the more thought I give it, the more I realize how I'm not missing anything, maybe they are. I mean no disrespect to those without chillin's, but I sometimes feel like I'm supposed to apologize for being a young mom of three. I freakin' chose this, I wasn't stuck with it like some disease. If I had wanted so desperately to backpack through Europe or whatever, I would have. Sure, my days are crazy sometimes. Sure, I want to crawl under a rock when I see that there are 50+ cheerios smashed into the living room rug and 6 pairs of shoes on the floor. But I have given birth in my shower, potty trained 2 kids, made a plethora of themed birthday cakes, driven to the emergency room for someone other than myself and celebrated almost 9 years of marriage to my best friend. When I think about it, I've done more and seen more than most people my age.


Susie Q said...

Wow Sarah, this does me good.

Those moments of contentment are to be cherished and revisited, (cause they come and go) and knowing them deep in your heart will maintain you in some tough times.

You have surely been blessed.

I love you Knoskers.

Mac said...

This does me good too. Having found Josh at an early age, marrying and starting a family early on says a ton about how much you care for others.
And when Kate is in High School, you will still be young enough to actually throw a Frisbee with her. Not that you know how...but you can. Heh heh.
As for the traveling thing...it will happen.
Mom and I went basically nowhere when you guys were little. But time goes fast and the next thing you know, you and your family will be sitting in the Acapulco Lounge on a cruise ship somewhere.

Emily said...

Sarah - I completely agree. I go through moments where I think - gosh I'm really missing out on "the world" and then I realize that I wouldn't trade my life for ANYONES. I love my husband and my daughters so much and am so blessed to have them in my life. I too wanted to have a family more than anything else and I'm so glad that I was able to. It's an honor to be called wife and mom!

Someday we will travel - but for now I'm very very very happy with the life I've chosen - it's good to hear you are too! :)

kara said...

tru dat yo.

different strokes...it wasn't just a fabulous tv show...it's also the greatest truth.

Unknown said...

i hope you all know. my goals are exactly what you guys have. i would be married now if it werent for damn school. : ) i hope im as lucky as my parents and my sisters have become. nough said.

James said...

Good call Sarah.