Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Will It Ever End???

I'm so sick of being sick. We have the flu. Sunday night, I had a fever of almost 103 degrees. Hayden's fever peaked at 104.5. I'm almost better now, and the kids are recovering too. Josh, however is just starting. He's been in bed for a day and a half now. If Kate gets sick, we could be in the hospital. Please keep her in your prayers.

UPDATE: Kate has a fever. Damn it.

UPDATE: It's Wednesday morning, Josh has a 102 degree fever and is still in bed. Kate has a low fever, but is pretty miserable and I'm fairly confident we're just at the beginning of hers. I am currently coughing up both of my lungs. Besides that, we're fantastic!!!


froelica said...

Oh no!! That's terrible! I've managed to somehow avoid it this year. Though I have been mildly sick (just enough to feel lethargic and sniffly)for the past 2 months.

Get better soon guys...

kara said...

i've avoided it too...but i feel it has been a fluke and i'm totally next. bad juju.

drink electrolytes. they can be found in your local hardware store.

Haley said...

OH man... im sorry!! Liz had it last weekend pretty bad. Somehow I missed it too, even though we share the same room. Lucky... Hope you guys feel better!!

Mac said...

Knoskers of Zib.........
Are you any better now?
If you need to unload some kids to get some rest, I will take them.
Let me know.

Susie Q said...

Crap, Crap, CRAP!!!!!

Nicole said...

I'm sorry to hear you all are so sick! Eric and I had it but thank God Ethan didn't catch it. We have him on all kinds of vitamins and natural stuff so it's helping him fight things off. Eric and I should be taking all the crap we give him :) Anyhow, I had it much worse than Eric....I was on antibiotics and all. Mine lastest three weeks! But it was only the flu for the first two days. After that, turned in to a nasty cold, cough, etc. I pray you guys get better soon!!! Love you!

froelica said...

You guys still hacking spleen?