Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Comfy Kate

Still no baby. I'm sulking just a tad right now. I scrubbed the kitchen floor, bounced on my yoga ball, walked up and down the stairs far too many times and...nothing. I'm SO ready to be unpregnant. Keep those thoughts of excruciating pain coming my way. I'm prepared.
Ok, I'm being a little dramatic, but really, I'm ready for this baby to be OUT!


James said...

We'll keep checking in. Love you.

Emily said...

Amen!!! Time to have the kid... as much as I would love James and Ashley to be here for the arrival - I also know how uncomfortable you must be and how much I want to play with baby Kate.... ***painful contractions that do something*** (that was me sending you waves of pain - I hope it worked)

Maggie said...

I heard that black tea helps. We gave Kristin Irish Breakfast black tea and she went into labor that night. She was two weeks late, so the baby may have just been ready then anyway, but you never know, I would try it.
Also she told me to tell you this: Massaging between the ankle bone and the Achilles’ tendon on the back of your foot just above the heel. This point helps the baby to descend toward the pelvis. (She found that one on the web)
Good Luck!

Susie Q said...

I will ask Dad to do his wiggle fingers at you to entice Kate out.
Also, tell her I'll take her to lunch and we can get pedicures. That might get her moving!

Sarah said...

Maggie, I have heard about Black Cohosh tea, but there are alot of warnings about it causing the fetal heart rate to go up. I've never heard of the regular black tea. Couldn't hurt! I'll give 'er a try!
Mom, I don't know about Kate, but that would get me motivated!

froelica said...

I'm sending you thoughts of agony from Scotland, Sarah.

That just doesn't sound right...