Tuesday, February 20, 2007

My Eyelids Weigh a Thousand Lbs

Seriously. I have been sleeping all day! I still feel like I'm doped up on Nyquil, only without the freaky heart palpitations. I guess I can use the excuse that I'm making a person, but it really doesn't seem to make me feel legitimate.

On a side note, my children are vagrants. Yes, they have a home, but they are total vagabonds. They are both currently eating dinner, squatting on their chairs. Why? They're both tall enough to sit comfortably at the table like civilized beings, but nooooo, they choose to squat. I'm too tired to argue about it tonight. As long as they go to bed in 1 hour and 38 minutes (no, I'm not counting down or anything). Update: they are doing tai chi now. How the hell did they learn that? Freakin' dirty hippy vagabonds.

Ok, I'm not even making sense. That's enough for me. Back to bed.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

I'm Baaaaaaaaaack!

I'm a loser. I haven't blogged in a long time. I'm sorry to all my fans. (Ashley)

But anywho, it's 9:09am on Saturday. I'm supposed to be at a baby shower in less than an hour. I haven't showered. I'm going to be late, and yet I blog. It's okay though because I don't reread anything. So if this is terribly misspelled, I really do apologize. I noticed that I wrote "enless" in the previous post. I'm an idiot.

So the big news in our house is that I'm PREGNANT! Woo hoo! I'm 7 weeks along and the baby is approximately the size of a raspberry. Dude!

We have decided to use a midwife this time around and have a home birth. I know, I know...I'm crazy. We met with a couple of midwives on Tuesday and they were awesome. I felt like they were more in tune with what we wanted than any doctor I've ever met. The only drawback to the home birth is there will be no Statol. If you aren't familiar with Statol, I'm sad for you. It's the crack cocaine of the birthing world. I didn't have epidurals with the other two kids, but this stuff was amazing. Oh well, au natural for me. I'm sure the midwives won't mind if we have real cocaine there. I've never tried it, but what better time than the very painful birth of a child?

Ok, it's 9:18. I need to get my ass in the shower.
