My house is all Christmassed out. I already feel better. There are little red bows above my windows, ornaments in a bowl on the table, my little ugly nativity scene, snowglobes from my 6 years of combat shopping (all free from JC Penny), garland wrapped around my staircase railing and various red, white and green things all about. All I'm missing is the yule log. Oh, that's right, I don't have a fire place. Blast!
I don't know why, but this time of year makes me feel so good! I feel like a Bing Crosby Christmas album all the time! Hopefully we will be able to go get our tree this weekend. I'm really looking forward to the lights and the scent of "tree". Only problem is we have another (yes, another) birthday party here next weekend and I'm afraid of giving up any room for the tree. Hayden is turning 5 on the 11th, so we're going to have his first "kid" party on the 9th. We're doing an army/camo theme so I'm thinking there will be about 8 boys running around in a 20 sq ft area. Oh well, I'll just make 'em drop and give me 20 if they get out of hand. That or I'll give them more cake and send them home. Yeah, I'll do that.
PS Notice the doll in the picture. Looks a bit sacrificial to me...