Just a quick funny for ya. I was driving home from lunch with Hayden and Josh today. When we pulled into the driveway, I started having a contraction (not a labor one, just a stupid one). I literally couldn't reach the steering wheel to turn the ignition off. My belly was too hard to lean over. Cool, huh?
Not sure why this basketball is so huge, but it's kind of fitting...
I told you... my birthday...
Oh Boo, you're getting more of the ol' rigid tummy? I'm so sorry... and mighty glad it's not me!
Seriouly, when I wake with little panic attacks cause my baby is having a baby, (again!), I soothe myself with the fact that it's not me!
How horrilbe am I?
I have the same thought, Sue... It isn't me.... It isn't me....
On a related note- that's one big belly, Sarah.
Oh my god. You're having a basketball? Damnit. The t-shirt will never fit!
Well unless you deliver in the next 3 1/2 hours it will not be on Jon's birthday.... That's a good thing though!
I'm not kidding by the way - you looked like you grew over night - this morning you were huge! Not in a bad way - in a good beautiful pregnant way!!!
You better wait until me and the girl get back from our trip!! Because you know, you can control it.
Ut oh - is it too late to change my prediction? :)
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