I had my in home visit with the midwives yesterday. They assured me that the baby is NOT 11 pounds as I previously thought. Thank God! Also, she's head down and engaged. Yay!!! I have been given the green light as of today to deliver any time. (before that I would have had to go to the hospital) So, the waiting game begins. Lauren was 10 days early and Hayden was a full 2 weeks early. According to that pattern, she should be here any day!
I am actually having a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions. (to those of you out of the know, they are pointless painless contractions that don't really mean anything) But today I have had a few that actually kind of hurt. Maybe by the time I start labor for real, I will already be half way! I know, wishful thinking...
Anyway, I will let everyone know as soon as she arrives! Hope it won't be long!
Kate! KATE! Come out and play!
I'm ready.
Lets get this going.
I have the cigars ready to go.
Why aren't the baby's eyes open? In the picture, I mean.
Because she's sleeping in that picture... duh!!
Sarah - I hope our walking pushed things along!!!!!
Kate - it's time to come out and meet your favorite Aunt Emily!!!
EMILY- EXCUSE ME... we all know that I am the favorite aunt. Your just lying to yourself and to the others. Its very rude...
KATE- Just stay in there until monday. Tuesday would be preferable that way I win the big bucks!
Paaaaleeese.... Haley you are fooling yourself.... completey!!!
If we are going for the money I chose the 19th... Sarah can you manage until then? I really dont' care about the dough though... I just want to see my little niece!!! See Haley - that's what a true favorite Aunt would say.... :)
Nah. See cause if I win the money. Ill buy her stuff. Girls love the clothes and accessories, even if they are babies. You KNOW I be tellin the truth. Favorite Aunt Haley is talking gangsta now.
Shooot, ya'll need to shut up, because I have an amazing blanket just waiting for her, made it all by myself and all...which clearly makes me her favorite second cousin or whatever
Girls...girls...you both are my favorites so I'm sure you can be Kate's favorites together! :) Oh Sarah and James....you are included in my favorites. :)
Geepers....I still need to send my $5.00 up there....sorry Uncle Jim! I'll get it up there.
Dont' worry too much about it... I live like 10 minutes away and still haven't gotten our 10 bucks over there - I will pay - you know where to find me if I don't!!! :)
Kate - it's time to come out and play - your aunt emily wants to meet you.... come out come out whereever you are!!!! It's time to get this ball rolling!!!
Sarah - now would be the time to cue the labor.... GO!
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