We will find out tomorrow who Hayden's teacher is. Either of the two options will be awesome, so I'm not worried. He loves both of them and they are "fighting" for him, so he'll be happy either way.
I have a grease spot on the front of my belly. Do you know how fat that makes me feel? Gross.
Speaking of fat, I'm 35 weeks today, which means I only have 2 to go until I'm safe to deliver anytime. And she FLIPPED!!! I was really starting to freak out about it. I am not really worried about the home delivery or the lack of drug availability, but I was not excited about delivering a baby that is facing the wrong direction. From what I've heard, it's pretty miserable. In fact, Heather just had her baby that way. He did flip as he was coming out, but she had to go through hours of back labor before he figured it out. And even with an epidural, she was pretty much wasted.

Right at this moment, my kids are exhibiting some very special behavior. Lauren is pretending to feed Hayden "baby food" (playdough) with an actual baby food spoon. He's making baby noises. I should stop them, but they're not talking to me and that is goooood.
If you haven't noticed, I'm ready for summer to be over. They're driving me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once...
james has never looked so dashing. ashley is a...um...lucky girl.
You KNOW you want some of that, Kara.
I LOOOOOOOOVE that picture. I remember when it was taken and I couldn't breathe for a good 15 minutes from laughing. He looks like the guy who played the faun in Chronicles of Narnia (he's also in The Last King of Scotland) only really humorous.
He totally looks like the faun... how funny! :)
I'm glad to hear that Lauren is the teachers pet - it's a good place to be as a young kid!!! It makes going to school enjoyable.
My girls slept for 3 hours after playing at the park - actually Molly slept for 3 1/2 hours - I've decided rain or shine I am going to take them to the track and make them do laps - they will be exhausted and give me a break!!! :) Bad parenting skills? probably....
Sarah I just had a dream that you wrote a blog about how you had these growths on your skin called "body grapes". They looked like you had grapes under your skin, and they were purple, and you said they were a pregnancy related thing, "caused by stem cells".
Alright.. well where do I even begin. Lauren and Hayden are so lucky to be little! Ok I know I was that little once too.. But im still jealous.. I hated the front row. It scared me alot to be that close to the "mean" teachers. Haha. and James, dear lord! It gets me giggling ever single time I look at that picture! I love it! haha. Ok and Sarah.. September 14th. NOON! Its baby time! OH and most alarming dream I have heard of in a long time! CREEPY ASHLEY! : )
Has anyone noticed the Yeddi in the background of the picture?
And when do the little monsters start school?
I wouldn't say "yeti" Jim... But I do see a distinct resemblance to the infamous "bigfoot" video where the bigfoot is kinds blurry, walking in a forest, looks back at the camera and lumbers away. You KNOW you know what I'm talking about:
Good call Shlee. That's exactly what I was thinking.
Bigfoot, Yeti, Sasquatch or
Bill-the-stenchy-furry one, so many names, so few sane sightings.
(But you know I really believe...)
Oh...and I adore that pic of Moose. It's a giggle, each and every time! Yes, sir!
I love your kids.
And that pic of me is out of control.
OK i have to share something with you all. I am sitting in my room all by myself.. I started to just stare at the picture of James. Do it. I seriously just laughed so hard by myself i cried. I have seen it so many times and still gets me to crack up. OH boy.
Haley- I did the EXACT same thing when Sarah posted this! Ahh.....
What's this nonsense about you not wanting to go to a smoky bar to support your bro's band when you're moments away from popping out a puppy? Silliness...all of it.
I can't make a due date bet...I suck at this stuff. You'll have to settle for a post pop out visit.
Oh, and fro - that dude from Last King of Scotland is HAWT. I have two words for you...Becoming Jane.
Oh I do agree, Kara. Indubitably hot. Did I spell that right? Indubitably. Hmph.
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