I do have one repeat too.

Pulp Fiction- one of the greatest movies ever made. As Ashley said, Tarantino can be an idiot, but mostly because he can't act worth a damn. As long as his character isn't too prominent in the movie, it's good stuff. I own this one and was just saying yesterday that it's one of the few movies I could watch just about anytime it's on. Favorite scene is when Mia Wallace dances around the living room to "Girl, You'll be a Woman Soon". Great direction and editing, her feet are dirty when she stops and puts her foot up. Very realistic. Anyway....

Big Lebowski- some of the funniest dialogue you'll ever hear. There are too many reasons to love this movie, but I'll just stick to one. "Don't f*$# with the Jesus".

The Nightmare Before Christmas- beautiful movie with beautiful songs. Just the thought of this movie makes me feel good. I love the characters and the story is so original. Favorite part is when Jack comes back from Christmastown and tries to describe Christmas to his entire town. They totally don't get it, but they're so innocent and sweet about it.

Donnie Darko- God I love this movie. Partly because it's a really good movie, partly because it has really good music and mostly because it has Jake Gyllenhaal. Best part is when he stands up to the crazy speaker, played by Patrick Swayze, in the school auditorium. Awesome.

The Breakfast Club- oldie, but goodie. I know every freaking line to the entire movie, so I don't actually have any good reason to ever watch it again, but I could watch it right now. Ya know? Best part is when John Bender tells Brian Johnson about what his father says to him. "Stupid, worthless, no good, goddamn, freeloading son of a bitch. Retarded, big mouth, know-it-all, asshole, jerk. You forgot ugly, lazy and disrespectful. Shut up bitch. Go fix me a turkey pot pie. No dad, what about you? Fuck you. No dad, what about you? Fuck you. Dad, what about you? Fuck you." And then he dramatically punches at the air so his hair falls in his eyes. Oh yes.
So there are my top 5. What are yours?
Best sibling banter ever. I do believe it is the first time I heard the insult, "you ass fuck". And have used it ever since.
I approve of all your choices. Well played...
only have seen breakfast club. But i do love it!
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