I had a really wierd day yesterday.
A very good friend of mine is going through a divorce. Her bastard "husband" was unfaithful to her and makes a very good case for castration. He was a friend of mine and Josh's as well as just her husband so on some level (small in comparison) it affected us all.
Yesterday, I helped my friend get the rest of her things from their house. She's been moved out for about a year and this was the first time she'd been back or seen him. She asked me to go with her because he wanted to be there when she came over. It was awful. I'm glad I was able to help in some way because I can't even imagine the kind of pit she had in her stomache if mine was as bad as it was. We got there and he acted like nothing had happened. I wanted to kick him in the nuts and scream at him, "You ruined everything!" But I didn't and I tried to make small talk with him while she figured out just what she was taking with her. When I noticed that she wasn't holding up very well, it really hit me just what we were doing there and I felt like I was going to puke. I managed to hold it together until I got in the car and then started sobbing. Luckily I was alone and she never saw me cry. I called Josh just to tell him how much I love him and how lucky I am to have him.
I know, nothing amusing in here today. Just had to get that out and hopefully inspire you guys to be good to eachother. Or I will come after you...
I didn't realize that still needed to happen. I thought she was past having to see him anymore. That's awful...he's such an over-hairy wanker.
Yeah I think you should have kicked him in the nuts. I've been REALLY in the mood to kick and/or knee a man in the nards lately. It's a surprisingly strong urge. James is lucky he hasn't pissed me off lately. I think if I was in your position I wouldn't be able to control myself. I'd be like the Hulk, only without the whole shirt-ripping thing.
Plus, he can't retaliate 'cus you're pregnant :)
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