Amy and I took the kids to see Happy Feet at the Grand Lodge tonight. It was fantastic. The movie was cute and all, but what I'm referring to is the food we ate. You're probably thinking tots, beer, all the typical McMenamins yumminess. But nooooo, we (Amy) smuggled in 4 slices of chocolate cake, complete with 4 plastic plates and forks. Looking down the table at my sweet little girl eating illegal cake was pretty funny. Every time one of the servers would come in with someone's food, I would get all nervous and look around. I finally realized they don't care. They were all guys first of all and probably didn't notice in the first place.

When we got home from the movie, I had a surprise for Amy. I had starved my frog for two days so he would eat a cricket for her. She has been waiting since we got him to see the killing take place. It took a freaking half hour for the stupid little guy to eat his dinner. We ended up with 4 crickets running around his terrarium (better chance for the slaughter) when he finally got himself one. It was pretty anticlimactic, but it's my blog and I can write about whatever I want.
When you started the sentence, "I starved my frog" I thought it was going to end with something like "because I hate him and he needs to die", but I like the way you ended it better.
The things you girls do for fun. Honestly.
(I I wouldn't have totally enjoyed that, right?)
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