It's funny how people put so much faith in doctors. I haven't been to a doctor this pregnancy because we are going to be using a midwife instead. We're planning to do a home birth and be hippies this time. For the last two pregnancies, I took a home test, called my entire family and close friends when it was positive and then saw my doctor within a few days to have an official test done. This "official test" is the same as the store ones, just done by someone with a degree.
This time, it was different. I took the test and then nothing followed. We went to meet the midwives, but they didn't do any kind of testing. I was starting to second guess myself. I know...stupid...my belly's getting bigger, etc...
So this afternoon, I swung by the Dollar Tree to get me one of those quality tests. It was positive, of course. But I felt SO relieved! On the way home, I had planned my reaction to it being negative. I was going to cry a lot, and then drink a six pack of whatever was handy and eat a butt load of sushi and brie.
Instead, here I sit munching on an apple and a glass of milk. I hear that's better for growing a baby than beer. Just a rumor.
I too have heard that rumor - milk and apple over beer and sushi for the growing baby.... I bet when we get to heaven God is going to say - what? Beer is best for the baby - lots of good vitamins... :) or maybe not!
Good to hear you are "still" pregnant - not that I had any doubts...
Hmmm...I thought once you "knew" you really "knew". Though that doesn't really make sense to me, I'm confident that you'll have no problems with it.
Lies, LIES I tell you. Beer is good, and it makes your tummy bigger (think beer-gut) so that means it makes your baby grow faster. Right?
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