Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Vincent & the Crickets

It sounds like a really cool band doesn't it?

It isn't a band, \Vincent is our new frog. Emily and Jon got him for the kids. He's a chubby frog. I'm serious, that's what Petco calls him. He is very cute.

However...he eats crickets. Or rather, he's supposed to eat crickets. We put them in his aquarium and he just sits there in all his chubby frog glory and lets them chirp all freakin' day long. I HATE crickets now. There's one in particular, I'll call him Dan. Dan is a real A-Hole. He hasn't shut up in two days. I keep yelling, from various places in the house, "shut up you stupid cricket". The kids think it's hilarious. I assure you, it's not hilarious. I'm losing my mind.

We've been stuck in our house (yeah, with the crickets) since Monday evening. There has been no school, so the kids are a little on the rambunctious side. I keep threatening them, they don't listen. They just keep jumping off the couches and giggling incessantly. Ugh, this is why we have schools.

We did go to a movie today though. We saw "Night at the Museum". It was surprisingly funny. I love Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller. I really want to go a museum now. I'm sure it would be a let down since none of the exhibits would really come to life. A girl can dream can't she?

I'm going to go commit some insect murder now. Good day.


froelica said...

I think Dan best be watching his back, if he knows what's good for him. I wouldn't want to piss you off... *runs and hides under a couch pillow* Eep!

Emily said...

All I have to say is SORRY! I brought those damn crickets into your house and now you have to live with them. OOPPSS!!!

Oh and snow days - they are really only fun for the kids I've realized.... being stuck in the house with two babies for days on end is not really that great. I am getting a big annoyed with this space. But Sarah you win - my babies take naps still - so there is a bit of quiet time - short - but there is some atleast!

kara said...

So your frog is a vegetarian...what's your back up plan? Have you purchased him some hummus? Perhaps...a falafel???

Sarah said...

He finally ate one of the two crickets in his aquarium. Unfortunately, Dan survived the sudden burst of hunger. Damn cricket.

froelica said...

His time will come. Whether by the ravages of old age or the chomp of a chubby frog, Dan will eventually succumb to inevitability.

How poetic.

He gonna DIE!!! Is that better??

froelica said...

Kara mentioned something about cheese.... do tell....

kara said...

feed the frog cheese!

froelica said...

No!!! Not the frog! Feed me cheese!

froelica said...

I just realized I sent you my reply to your invite with my work email. Don't let me and my wacky ways confuse you. That's not my normal email.