Thursday, October 16, 2008

October Update

October is already half over? NO! It can't be so! This is my favorite month because it kicks off the best part of the year. Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. The weather is perfect too. Not too cold or rainy and the colors are amazing. I need to get out with my kids and the camera and capture some of it.

I took the kids to the pumpkin patch yesterday. Heidi & Lili went with us & a good time was had by all. We got our pumpkins, Lauren chose a white one. Hmmm, not sure how I feel about that. Kate slept through most of our trip, but inevitably woke up from being "dragged" in her stroller through the gravel. As Heidi pointed out, the wheels weren't so much going over the rocks, but through them. Without rolling. No good.

Lauren and Hayden have their parent/teacher conferences today at school. It is such a waste of time. I wish I could say that they were helpful, but we're in our 3rd year at elementary school now and so far they have always been an incovenience and a way to send home a TON of papers and artwork.

After conferences, we have swimming lessons. They are in their 2nd round of classes now (Dolphin 2) and doing very well. They can actually stay afloat for awhile! Even if we don't end up with a Michael Phelps in our family, I'm really glad that Lauren is comfortable with the pool now. She used to only get the ends of her hair wet and stay on the side. Now she jumps in like an animal. So different growing up in the NW compared to southern California. I pretty much had gills.

Josh took Lauren to a play called "Gossamer" last night. They said it was fun and the cast did a great job. The story was kind of heavy for Lauren though. It seems like she got it, but Josh said there were a lot of questions afterward on the MAX. They came walking in at 9:50pm with a pizza and breadsticks. Good thing Lauren's a party animal.


Kelly T said...

yay!! Glad you're a blogger too!! Sounds like a good October thus far. I cant WAIT to take Lacy to pumpkin patch, last year she called it the "puppy patch" as she couldnt say pumpkin:) I really want to get together sometime when I come to portland! I will keep you posted:)

Kelly T said...

Ok, I added you to my blogger buddies!:)

Emily said...

Lauren got a white pumpkin? Not sure I feel about that either... she is kind of a strange one isn't she? :)

kara said...

watch out...lauren's spiraling toward a drama major. don't let it happen. she'll wear berets. BERETS!

froelica said...

I LOVE that Lauren picked a white pumpkin. That girl has moxie, I tells ya.