This place was awesome, even had some sheep and piggies. I happened to catch on video two of the funniest things Molly has ever said. We were looking at a horse, who was eating weeds on the ground. Just as I started filming, she said, "He's eating dirrrrrt. Ick." I know it doesn't really sound funny, but try to hear it in Molly's voice. Then a few minutes later we were looking at the pigs, who were making snorting sounds. Just as I resume filming she said, "I think the pigs are farrrting."
I said, "I think they're just snorting".
She said, "They are growling like the hippopotomuses?"
Lauren just asked me about Santa again. Every time I'm about ready to just tell her the truth, she freaks out and starts yelling, "No, don't tell me! I don't want to know yet!" What a freak.
I've been having a kind of nostalgic day. I haven't stopped thinking about what was going on a year ago. I had Kate. But it was more than that. I had her in my shower. God, I can't believe she's already a year old. :(

On that note, I'm going to drink a bottle of wine and make a pie.
i'll give you money if you make me applesauce. i have a nice crisp fiver with your name on it. or it will be once i write it on with a sharpie.
I still haven't made pie and I'm bitter about it.
I feel cheated. I was promised you would gorge yourself on pie.
Sorry we didn't go to the little 'uns b-day! I knew it was happening, but James wasn't able to go, and it takes me about an hour and a half just to get to that part of Hillsboro by bus/MAX. Blich
i love molly so freaking much! i laughed out loud when i just read that!!
That farm is calling my name...((((Suuuuuue, Suuuue)))
Did you hear that? I gotta get me some Apple Farm a.s.a.p.!
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