So it's official. We've got a place to hold the 5th Annual Pumpkin Ball. Since it's a public blog, I won't be listing times and places here, but lemme know if you're interested in attending. It will be on Oct. 24th. We (Amy and I) are working on an evite, so send email addresses this way for friends you would like invited.
Now I have to find a costume. This is the harsh reality of the FIFTH year of dressing up in increasingly cool costumes. I'm completely out of ideas. Anyone have any for me? Or Josh while we're at it?
Today is Kate's first birthday party. I'm having a nervous breakdown. She can't be one already. She just can't. After Wednesday (her real b-day) I will never again have a baby. It makes me unbelievably sad. I'm not saying I want more, don't worry. I just want this to last a little longer... Maybe that's why I'm still nursing her.
I have to admit, I'm really looking forward to seeing Kate shove cake in her face tonight though.
Well, I better get this house clean (again) and then get the hell out while we wait for the party. You can't actually KEEP a house clean with 3 kids. It's literally impossible. They destroy faster than I can clean.
Twas a fine party! Kate ate her cake with just the right amount of abandon and the slide show was AMAZING! (Oh yeah, Haley and I put that sucker together. I know... you're welcome!)
Kate was a champ! She's the first kid in a long line of kids around here that didn't have to be told how to destroy cake and make a mess.
Now you need to post pictures!
And yes... an evite for the Pumpkin Ball is being assembled as we speak... err, type. I'll send it over to you before sending it out so you can finesse it if you like.
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