Yes, I heard that yelled at this show last night. We went to see the Trans Siberian Orchestra. We aquired tickets to the sold out show because Aaron's family goes every year. It's a tradition that dates back (I have no idea) years. Well, his mom passed away last year & in order to keep the tradition alive, Aaron bought tickets as soon as they went on sale. Come to find out, his dad wouldn't be able to go. He was going to be in Mexico with his new wife. Yes, already...
So, we got tickets.
I don't know exactly what I expected, but it wasn't this. I was picturing a much more elegant show. Not to say I didn't LOVE it, just totally more "mullet", than elegant. There was a drunk woman headbanging right next to Aaron and some unfortunate 9-ish year old girl who was literally worshipping the band from a standing position. Probably pissing off the people behind her. There were a lot of "rock" hands. You know, like the sign language "I love you", but more devil horns.
I don't know if you can tell unless you know what to look for, but in the video you can see a girl running around with a violin. She was crazy & awesome. Anyway, this show pretty much kicked butt. We hope to go again next year with the kids. Anyone want to watch Kate? :)
I got Kate.
Do you think she got drunk on Pabst? Or possibly Rainier? Milwaukie's Best? Its gotta be one of them, in grand mullet tradition.
I'm so glad you guys had a good time. We loved watching Kate - it was so awesome! She was amazing - slept for 3 hours on me and then took 2 bottles and pooped twice and didn't cry once! I will take her again any time.
oh yes...it's trashy...and GLORIOUS! I'm SO jealous you got to go to that. i've been wanting tickets since i happen to pass the rose garden one day and saw them up on that electric marquee thing!
Sounds like a blast chickadee. Yes i said chickadee. Not sure if thats how you spell chickadee. But hey it works for me!
Rock Never Dies? Really, they yelled that?
Pass the Velveeta please...
(Actually, I would love to go)
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