Well, here it is, 5 days from Christmas. It's been a crazy month (or 3). We started the month out with an insane storm that pretty much wiped out Vernonia. Thankfully, Amy and her family were safe, except for that storage unit of Maggie and Rich's that was filled 5 feet with water...and the Airstream that went missing after floating down the creek...but everyONE was ok.

Josh and I saw the Trans Siberian Orchestra (see prev. post) on the 2nd.
We had Hayden's birthday party at Pump it Up on the 9th. It really was a blast. The best part was Sarah Thompson, Haley and I racing through an obstacle course. I went flying through a very small opening and threw myself on top of Haley, who in turn flew onto Molly. Did I stop? Hell no, I won. Josh challenged me to a race. I was all cocky and thought it was no challenge. I was wrong, very wrong. I even cheated and started without him. By the time I was about 1/5 of the way through, he was done. I swear, he's got super powers. And to top it all off, Hayden puked at his party, which was awesome.
Thursday, the 13th, my parents took Hayden to the Holiday Express steam engine ride from Oaks Park. He loved it and keeps calling it the Polar Express, like the movie. So what if they didn't go to the North Pole, he doesn't care.
On the 14th, Amy came and took Hayden toy shopping & to dinner. They spent the evening together. She did the same with Lauren for her birthday in November, only they went clothes shopping. She pretty much outdid herself. They both had so much fun and felt really special.
Kara had a Christmas party on the 15th. At the last minute, my very good friend Sarah from high school, decided to come. She took the train from Tacoma and spent the weekend with us. Crazy enough, after almost 10 years, we still think the same and finish eachother's sentences. It was really great. The party was fantastic, we stayed until 2am, with Kate in tow. She was a trooper, I tell you. She only cried on the way there and back. I mean, the entire trip. But she was happy as a clam at the party!
My parents had a party on the 16th, sort of an extended Sunday dinner. We had the usual crew, minus the Thompsons (they're in Florida) plus the Sprechers, Ashley's mom and step dad, Amy & the Chilcott boys. Andrew is back in town for a month, so it was good to see him. He finally got to meet Kate.
The 18th was Mom's birthday, so Emily, Haley & I took her to lunch at Red Robin. Mmmm, I could eat there every day.
Today is Pajama Day at Mooberry. Hayden's wearing his new Spiderman jammies and Lauren's wearing her purple long johns with pink furry slippers. So cute. It's Hayden's last day until after the break. Tomorrow's Lauren's last day. I'm going to miss school...
So, the weekend is fast approaching, thank God. Josh is going to have a 4 day weekend, which is much needed after starting his new job. He's absolutely exhausted. He's not used to getting up at 7:30 every morning. And because he's going through all this new employee training, he doesn't have enough time to get his actual job done, so he's staying late every night. I'm looking forward to him being on a schedule, knowing when he'll be home for dinner, etc. But until then, we'll just keep passing like ships in the night and wait for that day.
I can't believe it, only 5 days 'til Christmas! I need to get myself in the spirit! Maybe some music will help. Bing, take it away!

Love you all, Merry Christmas!!!
I can hear Bing now....."Mele kele kee maka is the thing to say"....
Or...."I'm dreaming of a white....Christmas".....
Or...."Snow....snow...snow...snow...snow...It won't be long until were all there in snow".....
Or..."We'll follow the old man where ever he may go. Where ever he may go".....
Good grief your father is OLD...
That's a full month. I bet you have your shopping done, though. Jerk.
Old you say?
Hey........she was the one that asked for a bit of Bingage.
What did you want?
Bing singing Brittney freaking Spears crap?
Denny Crane
Thank you for that dad - even if I don't own the movie or his CD I can hear it all in my head!!! :)
Your whole month sounds like my whole week! Between the housing market making my job a living hell, I started my shopping just a few short days ago, I haven't wrapped a damn thing nor put the red bow on the bike from Santa, my mother-in-law is coming in tomorrow and the house is still a mess, we just got back from an MBA game (Suns vs Rockets - I think - I may have had too much to drink to remember), I still have two presents to get, and I have to work on Monday. YUCK! Your month, although very busy, sure sounds like more fun than mine! I'm sure mine will get better by Christmas - most of the stress will be gone! :) Merry Christmas sweetie.
oh by the way. i totally kicked butt in that race at haydens party, until i had to help molly go down the slide, then kneed her in the back. im an excellent aunt! haha...
but its ok, cause i did go away with rubber burn on both elbows that hurt like a biotch for a week or so. i know, i know, im a loser. : )
well its christmas eve, your at the chilcotts, everyone is going away to our other families tonight. kinda strange. well see ya in the am!!
Don't forget:
"We're havin' a heatwaaaaave, a tropical heatwaaaaave. You know the temperature's rising, it isn't surprising, she certainly can Can-Can".
I've seen that too many times now.
Christmas is over. Hit me with a new post!
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