Awhile back, I came across this blog that is written by a Marine. At the time, he was actually in Iraq. He's back in the States now, in Twenty Nine Palms but he's still writing. He's funny and well-spoken, check him out.
I know we all want this war to be over and for our troops to come home. My brother in law, Lucas is in Iraq at this very moment. Whether we are republican, democrat or other, we all agree that Bush is a moron. (At least I think we all agree on that). Here's a good example though of the other side of the story.
Jake's Blog from October 23rd:
Stark apologizes for saying troops die for Bush's 'amusement'
WASHINGTON (CNN) — Rep. Pete Stark, D-California, apologized Tuesday on the House floor for his recent comments saying troops in Iraq were getting "their heads blown off for the president's amusement."
It's not the blatant stupidity and insensitivity of this remark that is getting my blood boiling, its Starks' blanket assumption that everyone fighting in Iraq A)is a political pawn of President Bush B) doesn't know what they are fighting for C) somehow didn't volunteer for the ALL VOLUNTEER MILITARY and D) doesn't want to be over there.
This is right up John Kerry's alley of saying that if you don't do well in school that you'll end up stuck in Iraq. Wow. Hey, thanks for the thumbs up and high fives guys. Us dumb-shits over in Iraq really appreciate being publicly humiliated and used as political propaganda.
I really hope that if, God forbid, anything were to happen to me in Iraq, that congressmen like Stark, and there are dozens of them, would have the guts to walk up to my mom and tell them that I died for the President's amusement. I think my mom would punch them in the face. I take that back, my mom is way too nice of a lady to lower herself to that standard, but maybe with luck my dog would relieve himself on the guy's $1000 tax payer funded shoes.
Take your apology and jump off a bridge. For my amusement.
Jake sounds like someone I would like to meet.
Thanks for sharing this dudes experiences with us.
I think I'd like to use "relieving myself" more often in everyday life.
quotes taken out of context are hard for me to comment on. but i'm all for people speaking out on what makes their blood boil. that is a glorious right.
wow. I agree with dad - I think I would like to meet this guy - he seems to express what I have always thought the military men feel like.... thank God we have them.
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