So I was talking to Josh yesterday as we were getting ready. I was suggesting that we figure out our Christmas lists and gift ideas and get started on shopping. He basically shut me down and said that gifts are stupid.
Well, as much as I wanted to smack him, I agree to some extent. We were talking about how dumb it is that we go out every year looking for stuff to buy for eachother and end up getting stuff just to get stuff. He's much more concerned with this whole consumerism thing than I am, but I get it. Every year, when we get home from our gift exchange extravaganza, there's a TON of little plastic stuff to find a home for as well as all the packaging to throw away. It kind of sucks, but it's something we all just accept.
I love shopping, there's no denying it. Josh and many others don't feel the same way. It actually hinders the Christmas spirit for him. That makes me sad, like he's missing out on the giddyness I have starting the day after Thanksgiving and all through December just because he's dreading the mall.
How 'bout a homemade Christmas next year? I know we don't have time to do it this year, but next? Huh huh huh?
Ok, I'm stepping off my soap box now. G'Day.
I would have to say that I only half agree... I love buying things for people - and I try my best not to just buy crap... I try to look for what that person really wants or needs - but I am absolutely up for a homemade christmas. I just love being able to give people something special wether homemade or bought.... however I will never stop doing my ritual shopping day after thanksgiving!!! :)
remember when we made those hideous wreaths for people out with potpourri and a glue gun? those were the days. now i just buy people food and booze.
i'll tell you what, though. i think giftcards are half-assed crap.
I know me and James are with you and Josh. As I said before, I make it a point to buy absolutely NOTHING the day after Thanksgiving in a mini protest of "Buy Like Crazy Day". I'm way into making shit. My mom once made fun of me cuz I tend to make my own gifts. Trouble is, it takes SOOOOOO long to do it, and there's like 30 of you guys. I'm sure something could be worked out. What's the worst is how many people just buy stuff just to give, not really caring if its needed or even wanted. I like meaningful gifts. James knows the way to my heart is experience: go out on a date, go on a trip, etc etc. Well, I think my soapbox is buckling beneath me, so I best be stepping down.
And Kara- Youre INSANE. Gift cards are wonderful.
I love the idea of a home made Christmas. If we do it, we should do a draw so each person only has perhaps two to do.
And it should be done real early so we have enough time.
I already have some ideas.
So cool.
Sure it's not too late for this year?
Sounds good Sarah.
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