We will find out tomorrow who Hayden's teacher is. Either of the two options will be awesome, so I'm not worried. He loves both of them and they are "fighting" for him, so he'll be happy either way.
I have a grease spot on the front of my belly. Do you know how fat that makes me feel? Gross.
Speaking of fat, I'm 35 weeks today, which means I only have 2 to go until I'm safe to deliver anytime. And she FLIPPED!!! I was really starting to freak out about it. I am not really worried about the home delivery or the lack of drug availability, but I was not excited about delivering a baby that is facing the wrong direction. From what I've heard, it's pretty miserable. In fact, Heather just had her baby that way. He did flip as he was coming out, but she had to go through hours of back labor before he figured it out. And even with an epidural, she was pretty much wasted.

Right at this moment, my kids are exhibiting some very special behavior. Lauren is pretending to feed Hayden "baby food" (playdough) with an actual baby food spoon. He's making baby noises. I should stop them, but they're not talking to me and that is goooood.
If you haven't noticed, I'm ready for summer to be over. They're driving me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once...