Ah, pregnancy. I saw this cartoon right after nearly peeing in my pants from sneezing. Yes, I felt radiant. Funny thing is, I seem to remember that Charlotte spun the word "radiant" over Wilbur in Charlotte's Web. Fitting.
We spent most of the day today searching for furniture. We found the perfect leather sectional at Dania. Only problem is the colors. They offer it in black and red. I LOVE love love the red, but Josh isn't sure. He's kinda freaked about a red couch, understandably (did I just make up that word?). We both agree that a black leather couch makes a statment we don't want to make. We'll see what happens.
In the earlier parts of the day, we went to Jackson's first birthday party at the skate park. He thoroughly enjoyed his chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. He was actually shaking and flapping his arms. At one point, he just leaned forward and started eating it off the high chair tray.
Before that, we went to a "not so secret shop" at a Fred Meyer in Portland. We met up with some uber hippies and learned about genetically engineered foods. They split us up into groups and had us fill a basket with items we would usually buy. Then we regrouped in the wine section and found out how terrible the ingredients in those foods are. It was kind of eye opening to see that even the things I thought were safe might not be. It was also fun to go pretend shopping with Josh and Aaron.
Lauren's BFF Lili is spending the night tonight. They are currently dressed up in the gawdiest dress up Lauren owns. There is a lot of toulle and sequin action going on. I'm just waiting for the lip gloss to come out. Silly girls. :)
Josh and Hayden are watching Lonesome Dove on tv. Hayden just told Josh that he really likes cowboy movies and then asked if there was going to be any shooting in it. So cute.
All I can think of right now is "Crunchy" in Paul Lynde's oh so perfect performance as Templeton. Thanks for that.
I agree a black leather couch screams "cheap 90's bachelor pad". I wouldn't sit on that if you paid me. And I'm afraid to say that I agree with Josh, red leather just isn't right. It reminds me of cowgirls. However, worn brown leather reminds me of old worn couches in dusty old libraries or dens... perfection.
The fair is a veritable shmorgesbord, orgesbord, orgesbord, after the gates are shut!
Each night, when the lights go out it can be found, on the ground, all around.
That is where a rat can glut, glut, glut, GLUUUUT!!!!!
Am I the only person who found Templeton's rotten and discarded fair food incredibly appetizing?
(This coming from the person who wanted to eat plates like the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland....)
You won't eat meat, but you'd consider eating trash?
Just ribbin' you Shlea. (((God, I'm craving ribs...)))
We might actually still get the red one. It's growing on Josh. I'll find a picture and post it on here.
Funny thing is, even if I wanted to eat meat, it'd probably make me sicker than if I ate trash. I think I've completely lost all ability to digest animals.
So Minerva, you're safe..... for now.
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