It's almost 4 am and I've been wide awake for about an hour now. I woke up crying and shaking, my heart pounding out of my chest from a dream. I won't go into the details of the dream, but I assure you that an hour later, it's still freaking me out. I feel like a little kid, afraid to go back to sleep because I know I'll just see those images again. Ugh.
So I've been catching up on emails, reading all the "latest" on myspace and browsing baby stuff online. I'm thinking I should get back in bed now. The alarm is set for 7am and I've got a busy day ahead of me. Both kids have school and I have to clean the house and shop for a party tonight. Ta ta.
The picture has nothing to do with the post. I just needed to share how freaking genius it is.
Oh Knoskers of Zib......
Hope your day goes better for you than your night did.
More disturbing than the photo, is that someone had to go put that sign out there. Yick.
I hate dreams that linger. I haven't had one in a while, thank god, but the ones that stay with you for days are the worst. And there is no real way to get them out of your head.
How come it's only the bad dreams that linger for days? Why don't the good ones sitck around?
I was going to tell you about the dream I had last night, but I choose not to. However, I will say that Kansas and I went for a scoot yesterday up in skyline land and at one point, we were going up a hill at 21 mph with a long line of cars behind us...and angry. I thought you'd enjoy that.
Oh Bibs, I'm so sorry. Now you remember what I used to tell you, go back into the dream and (kick the monster's a$$, or jump in a really fast car to outrun the bad guy, or grow big muscles), you know...fix it!
I have such poor dream recall, I rarely remember them but my recurring nightmare with the freakin' cememtery from hell. Dam, I just scared myself, thanks!
Oh and I can't spell...
I too hate when a bad dream lingers - but I have to say that there is nothing worse than a "normal" dream lingering all day - I never know if it was really a dream or if it actually happened.... but recently I had one of my fire dreams and I was up for hours afterward afraid to go back to sleep too because I was too afraid my family would die like in my other fire dreams I used to have....
Oh and Emily- don't you just love it when you're SO SURE that something from a dream really happened, and then you talk about it as if it did with many people only to find out you're a psycho weirdo?
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