I just made the most disgusting dinner ever made, in the history of dinners. I can't blame myself too much, since it was a recipe, but I should have known not to put nutmeg in fettuccine alfredo. The recipe called for it, and I'm a law abiding citizen, so...
My kids won't touch it. I can't finish it and Josh hasn't even gotten home yet. I thought about tossing his portion, but I really want to see if he likes it. He just might...*fingers crossed*...but I highly doubt it. Looks like he's getting leftover manicotti from last night. (Which was really good, *Sarah, take a bow*)

Unrelated, we watched Word Play last night. It's a documentary about the National Crossword Championship. It was fabulous. The whole movie, I was dying for a crossword to do. I went online and found one, but it's not the same without that newspaper smell and the pen. Yes, a pen. As we learned last night, that makes me some sort of elitist. Ha! I just hate pencils. I also never actually finish the crossword.
So this morning, after dropping Lauren off at school, I stopped at the little news stand at the corner and bought a paper. I was seriously desperate to get out of my car with my glasses and unwashed hair in a really messy bun to get my paper. If you know me and my issues with my hair and my ugly night goggles (glasses), you get this.
Off to solve my puzzle. Yeah, right... I'm so stuck.
I can never seem to start them. Which makes it hard to get into them. Which makes it impossible to finish them. What have we learned here?
Welcome to my nerdy world Sarah.
Note to self: No Nutmeg in Pasta dishes....
I haven't gotten into the whole word search craze yet - I mean I love them - I'm just not addicted - I can still sleep at night knowing I have one unfinished - however Sudoku..... completely and udderly addicted! it's like Crack to me. I see it first thing when I get up and that's all I want to do until I go to bed! ;)
Sarah..... *poke* *poke*..... SARAH??? *slap*! Post something, damn you!!!
by the by- my word verification is "mmllt". I immediately thought of fondue, got hungry, then laughed at myself.
Ok, Sarah...i have a link counter on my blog and your link got 8 hits just today...the people want you...give the people what they want.
Amen sista. Testify!
Another by the by, Sarah- I completely and utterly forgot that I have class on Thursday nights so I can't come tomorrow. Stupid class...
So your Father didn't get the whole "Nutmeg. Nutmeg? Don't be Ridiculous!" thing. I tried to explain and he gave me a pathetic, "Yeah", but he DIDN'T REALLY get it. So you need to give him grief on Sunday, little jabs about Alice in Wonderland, etc.
And Wordplay? My new favorite movie! I must admit I was a tad concerned about the nerd factor. (Good Lord, where did they dig up these guys?)
So anywho... loving you!
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