Yes, the big furry mouse sucks ass. Not literally of course, that would be a lawsuit in the works... But the entire establishment is my enemy today. I took the kids to a birthday party, yes another birthday party, it's enless. This one was for...wait for it...my Grandpa's girlfriend's son's daughter. She's sorta family, right? No. But she is cute, and rich. She also LOVES Lauren and says she's her best friend in the WHOLE world.
Anyway, the party was in Vancouver, so it took me 45 minutes to get there. We sang a bunch of gay mouse related songs, ate a lot of pizza, ate cake that was originally in the shape of a dinosaur, played some Skee Ball and left. It was 3:30 by then, and we were lucky enough to hit all the good traffic on the way home. I can honestly say I saw every single person who lives in the Vancouver/Portland area today. They were all on I-5 South.
We are home now, thank God...I feel like I'm going to pass out, so I need to get up and move or I will. Good day.
PS. Any ideas on what the "E" stands for in Chuck E. Cheese?
PPS. Since Kara insists there are millions of people reading my blog every day, or 8 at least, I expect you all to come to my PartyLite party tomorrow night.
PPSS. There is no PPSS.
The "E", I believe, stands for Ezekial.
"Mr. Charles Ezekial Mouse........ the third."
I like that.
Huh...funny...I wasn't invited to any such party. Hmmmmmm. Apparently I smell.
PS: At least you didn't see a man with a gun like I did the last time I was in Yuckie Cheese.
Sorry froe you are incorrect! the E obviously stands for Emily - duh! Why else would it be there! No other name is worth of the E! :)
So it is truely Mr. Charles Emily Mouse.... ok I hate it! You win Ashley - it's Ezekial! Now you get to have your cake and eat it too - damn you! Now I want cake! :)
Oh and Sarah - sorry that the party sucked I know you had been "looking forward to it all week"! :)
Uh, oh. Sucky party? Well at least you guys got to go. I also realized I can't go to the sexy party cause I have class Tues/Thur 530-800. I would skip but I have a test. I hate school. Who needs it anyways?
Ah yes.... everyone.
Except you two with the babies. But they're enough work as it is. I've met them...
Oh Froe I already did school then had the babies.... what a waste of school if you ask me! :) Maybe I can put it to use one day - probably not.... I would have to finish up some classes and I don't think I want to go back to that hell hole ever again! HOMEWORK, TESTS - BLAH BLAH BLAH!
Sarah, I'm tired of clicking on your link, getting excited and letting my hopes run wild for those two seconds I have to wait, only to have them crushed when nothing new is posted here.
*sings* Do you really want to hurt...me...?
Do you really want to make me cry!?!
The E stands for ebola
I hate me some Chuck Ebola Cheese!
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