I think I'm dying. I couldn't sleep last night because I could have sworn my throat was closing up. It started at about 3pm yesterday and progressively got worse as the night went on. By about 5 this morning, I was standing in my kitchen with a bag of cough drops, waiting to die. I'm kidding of course, but I was freaking out a tad. I still don't know what's going on. I don't have a fever or any other symptoms. My throat has given up on me, that's all.
Speaking of pipes being clogged...okay, that was a stretch...but really. Our dishwasher has been sucking more and more each day since about a year ago. We thought it was just a cheap piece of crap and there was nothing we could do about it. We priced new ones and basically resigned to spending about $450 for a stinkin' dishwasher. Weeellll.... last night Josh took it apart. I guess he figures if we're going to dump it anyway, no harm in breaking it, right? He found some little black piece of plastic shoved inside the hose. Yep, he fixed the dishwasher. Hurray! No more hand washing! Woo hoo!! And for any of you who are thinking, "get over it, I hand wash my dishes and don't have a dishwasher..." YOU aren't washing dishes for this family of pigs.
Anyway, we had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. We spent Christmas Eve with Josh's family and had the prime rib dinner of dreams. Christmas morning we got to surprise the kids with bikes. They were also pretty jazzed about the carrots that the reindeer (I) chewed up and spit out all over the front step. We then headed over to my parents' house for our annual gift fiasco. It was great. Lots of inspired gifts this year, including the trip from my mom and dad for the whole fam. They're taking us to a GIANT house in Washington in June. It's on the Puget Sound and looks like a fantastic time. Can't wait!
We left the day after Christmas to go to Sunriver with Josh's family and some friends of the family. It was relaxing and beautiful & Tina (Josh's mom) cooked some awesome food. I gained 3 lbs. Damn.
We got back on the 30th and spent the day doing laundry. The next morning, I got to visit my new cousin in the hospital. I won't go into all the details because this post is already long enough. Check Sarah and Rob's blog to the right. Long story short, the baby Jack is the most beautiful and cute baby I've seen in a LONG time. I can't wait to nuzzle him some more.
New Years was spent at Heidi and Stefan's. As always, it was a blast. We had some beer, some more beer and then some beer. At midnight, we had some champagne. Then we had some more beer. Next year it's been decided that we will just have some Miller High Life, the Champagne of Beers instead. No one likes cheap champagne anyway. We played darts until 2 am and somewhere in the middle of everything, Josh and Stefan saved some crazy hispanic girls and a baby from being attacked by a carful of drunk chicks. It was definitely entertaining.