I am so mad at myself for starting this whole myspace thing. I swore to everyone I know that I hated it and would never be a part of it. I was soooo wrong. I just signed up so that Heidi could look up her sister in law in California who supposedly had an account. We never even found her. Dang it. Now, my account just sat there for almost a year while I got random emails every once in awhile from some pornstar wannabe who wanted me to add them as a friend. I like to deny them... Anyway, I'm getting off subject. One day, about a month ago, I get an email from an old friend who sent me a message through myspace. Then my sister (yeah, that's you Emily) got an account and started leaving me comments. Now my page actually looks active and I suddenly had 6 friends. I thought "what the heck, I'll use it to look up old friends and such". Now I am actually dreaming about it. I am sick. I might need counseling. I have 20 friends now and have just found my long lost cousins. I am really happy and don't hate it anymore. I am an addict. Great, one more thing to keep me from getting my "job" done. So, the picture on this post is from Angela, one of my real life friends. It cracks me up.
I hate MySpace more than anything in the entire world. I hate it more than I hate Journey. I hate it almost as much as I hate Toby Keith, but since I just saw his new Ford Truck ad, he wins the hate game. But you will use it for good, and not evil, therefor I give you my blessing. But if I see one slutty cellphone camera pic of you on there, I cannot speak to you anymore. I hope you understand, I know you'd do the same for me.
I'm just kidding. (Except I'm not really). That's so cool you found your cousins though. I hope I'll be getting juicy family dirt soon from you on your new-found kin. Did they done R-U-N-N-O-F-T?
Sorry I missed dinner! I just got the message!
Who in their right mind "hates" Journey? Who, with all their cognitive abilities still in tact, does not indeed love Journey?
... commies, that's who.
I can tell, jeez, you're entire extended family has myspaced me. I feel overwhelmed...especially since the whole thing has lost its shiny veneer for me.
Journey = Hell
Kara you know you love it!!! :)
Ashley I give you about a month maybe 2 before you are a myspace addict!!! Oh and I completely agree with you on the damn cell phone pictures... it drives me insane - who the hell takes a picture of themselves and loves it so much that they post it all over the damn web!!! Do you not have any "real friends" to take your pictures for you.... you have to open your silly phone and take one of yourself!!???
Sarah - I agree with you 100% I love myspace too!! I am on like 4 times a day (sometimes more)! It's so addicting when you get on and you have a new "friend". I've found people I haven't talked to in like 6+ years. It's fantastic! I too never thought I would be on myspace but now... I am a proud lover of the myspace world!
Sarah needs to start posting more. How else will I know the inner goings-on of your life?
By the way- I like saying "goings-on". Like "passers-by". It makes me feel.... goooooooood....
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