Our weekend was a flurry of childrens' birthday parties. It all started on Wednesday, I know...that's not the weekend. My cousin, who is 4 had her birthday party that night. We drove to St. Johns for the shindig. It was a typical 4 year old's party. Cake, juice, chaos, etc. The only part of the kids parties that I like was missing though! My aunt asked everyone not to bring presents. Sad. (I know she doesn't NEED anything, but NO presents?)
Then on Friday, we had Lauren's party. There was some serious girliness going on in this house. We did dinner, cupcakes, gifts and makeovers. My 10 year old sister-in-law helped to "makeover" the girls. They all looked like little hookers. It was great. However, I always get ahead of myself and make things bigger than they need to be. We luckily ended up with half of the girls not showing up. There were 8 kids here and 6 that could have shown up. Whew... thank God most of the girls in her class have parents who don't speak English and probably couldn't read the invitation.
We had three of the girls spend the night on Friday night. It was fine except for them not actually sleeping...
Sunday was the third and final day of birthday bliss. Preston, Lauren and Audrey all have the same birthday. Lauren and Preston were actually born on the same day in 2000 only a few hours apart. Audrey was born 2 years later on the same day. So, Sunday was Preston's day. We went out to their house and did the whole routine again. Cake, presents, chaos. There was at one point 8 kids making a train through their house. It was loud. Josh whispered to me, "get me out of here". We left.
Anyway, if anyone wants to say their weekend sucked or was uneventful...come talk to me! I'll make you feel better. Or I'll punch you in the nose.
I moved. Does that count?
I played with a cute kitten.... Please don't punch me, my rhinologist says my new nose needs to heal.
I hear you Sarah - I luckily got to experience it all as well with 2 babies too!! :) Well i wasn't at Lauren's party - so I guess you still have one on me!!! :) Oh and just think Sarah - in less than a month we get to do it all again - Hayden is turning 5 - then there is Christmas and all those shindigs that come with it!!
I had to get that out of my system. Lookout, apartment! You're getting Christmas-ified on Friday.
Kara, yes.
Ashley, I am ready for Christmas too! Did you see my dad's "staging area"? It's a bit sick. I love it...
No! What's the "staging area"? Sounds.... weird. But it obviously has something to do with Christmas, so I'm very curious... Hmmmm...
Well, he's got all the Christmas stuff, inside and out all ready to be put up on Friday. He's got a portion of the garage devoted to it. There's a little glint in his eye when he talks about it. So cute...
I just had to share...the word verification is "huafro".
What's "huafro"?
I will assume its some type of bean.
Ahhh.... "Staging Area". I like it. In fact, I love it cause it means the Mac House will be ready on Friday. God I love Christmas.
Now alls I needs is some frickin' snow.
I've had Meatloaf's "I Would Do Anything For Love/ But I Won't Do That" stuck in my head all day.
I chose to blame you, Sarah.
How could you??
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