I have always prided myself on being the kind of person who can be spontaneous. This has all plumeted to a dreadful end. With my daughter starting Kindergarten and my son starting Preschool, I have something going on everyday. I called my friend Amy to set up a time for us to redeem our spa gift certificates (yeah, I know. Waaah waaah waaaaaah.) and we literally went through our "calendars". I used to joke about that, "Sure, I'll check my calendar." I actually have to now! I feel like a real grown up with my little pocket book day planner.
Josh and I went to a seminar this weekend to win a free vacation and the lady asked us what we liked about vacations. Josh said "no clocks". I laughed and told her that we have different opinions about what is relaxing. I like to run around and fit as much as possible into a day and he wants to take 2 naps. I think I'm starting to get it and I'm ready to take our free vacations. Oh, by the way, it looks like we're probably going to go to Las Vegas. I'm going to be Amy's date and Josh is bringing Aaron. Should be a blast! Now, I just have to check the calendar and see what date works...
I have two words for you...Elvis slots. Not to be mistaken for Elvis' sluts. Whole different thing.
Hmmm... I'm a little too intrigued by Elvis' sluts.
I think the key to vacations is to make them the complete opposite of your normal routine. If you work 40+ hours a week being lazy by a pool is required. If you spend 40+ hours being bored every week then you need tones of activity.
Personally I like to mix it up. If I feel like some lazy time then I'll spend it by the pool or beach (anything near water) instead of in a stuffy hotel room. Mostly I feel like cramming in a bunch of zaney activities that you never get to try; like bungee jumping or zip-lining through the jungle.
It's all about the balance.
Nah, it's all about the one called "Atlantis". It's a nickel slot that I was able to keep playing with $5 for like 2 hours. It was fabulous. If I'm going to lose a bunch of money, it should at least take a long time.
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