I think I've been brainwashed by the crazy lady on Wife Swap. There was an episode the other night where these two opposite families switched wives. I know, they're always really different and it's to be expected. But this particular episode couldn't have had two more different women. One family was all pirated out. Yes, pirates. They spoke and dressed like pirates and had a filthy house. The mom was frightening and the kids were the biggest geeks I've seen since the Denver Renessaince Fair. The other family was insanely organized. I mean really. The mom walked around with a label gun and labeled her kids when they were bad. She made them sit in a box and wear the label of the "crime" they had committed. There was a moment where she had the husband in the box with a label because he didn't want to wear a suit and go to a 9-5 job. Paaahleeez! At the other house, the pirate lady made the family sink a chest full of their possesions to prove that they were all too caught up in their appearances. It was hilarious. The little girl, who was about 10 was crying her eyes out about her makeup. That'll teach her, little cheerleader that she was. ANYWAY...... I labeled my bathroom closet today. It's absolutely beautiful. That was the point of this story.
I'd label my closet to if I could get to it.
And if I had a label gun.
I might have a Christmas party...would you drive all the way to Portland for a Christmas party?
Ahahaha! I would have loved to see the husband in a box. Could you imagine what Josh would look like sitting in a box with a label across his face that said something like "Ate the last of the cheese."
Oh that would be fantastico.
And I want to send out a big THANK YOU! to you Sarah for helping we Halloweenify my living room. It was almost as good as waking up on Christmas morning to presents under the tree.
Kara-of course I'd come "all the way" to Portland to a Christmas party. One condition...you supply makings for Peppermint Patties. Mmmm, licking my lips.
Devon-You're wierd. Oh, and good idea about labeling the dog.
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