Well well well... Where do I begin? It's been awhile since my last post. Here's a cheap way to fill y'all in.
1. We are still planning to sell our house. We'll list it For Sale By Owner as soon as I can get my butt in gear enough to have it ready for such things.
2. School is almost over. I'm looking forward to not having the days broken up by drop offs and pick ups, but dreading long days of kid noise.
3. Speaking of kid noise, we got a Wii. The kids and Josh are slightly obsessed, especially Hayden. It's really fun though.
4. My 10 year high school reunion is coming up in October. I have been thinking about it alot. I don't know why. I will definitely be going because it's at the Cornelius Pass Roadhouse for $25 a head. Nice deal!
5. Kate is getting huge. She has two teeth and has started scooting across the floor if she has enough incentive. Like a shoe for example.
6. We just had a great weekend. The boys (Josh, James, Jon and Dad) went to Spirit Mtn Casino to see Dana Carvey and to gamble. They spent the night and had a great time. In the morning, when they got home, us girls left for the night. We stayed at the Governor Hotel downtown, ate way too much delicious food and drank cosmos in the room. All in all, it was delightful. I'm really hoping we can make an annual thing of it.
7. Lucas is home. Finally. He spent 13 months in Iraq and is home with his wife now. They live in Kansas, so we won't get to see much of them, but they were here this week and we got to hug them.
8. Ron Paul got 15% of the Republican vote for PRESIDENT with absolutely no media coverage. Upsetting.
9. There's more, but I haven't had my coffee yet and the kids need a ride to school.
Good post Knoskers!
You've motivated me to blog anew...
Thank you Sarah.
We have all been in a blogless mood I guess.
I promise (dang) to get back soon.
FINALLY. if i hadn't just seen you for the last two days i'd be all "is she dead? joined a cult? what's up?"
There, I blogged. Its a totally cheap blog too.
I like that a shoe motivates Kate to scoot.
If it werent for the fact that I see you or atleast talk to you every day I too would have assumed you were dead or joined a cult... welcome back to the blogging world - I think it will help us all!
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