We're going to Disneyland in 6 days. I'm freaking out.
First off, no one is completely well yet. The kids are fine, but still have hacking coughs. I have a cough. Kate has a cough. Josh is dying. His flu has morphed into Bronchitis. We finally got him something more than over the counter meds today. He's taking cough syrup with codeine now. That might do the trick, but we're screwed if it doesn't.
Second, Sarah Gallo will be here in a few hours. We have a whole week of stuff planned while she's here and (reread above paragraph).
Third, I have NO IDEA HOW TO PACK FOR THIS TRIP!!!! Seriously, is it going to be warm enough for shorts and flip flops? Do I pack jackets? What about for Kate? Stroller? Car seat? What the hell am I supposed to pack?
Lastly, we're flying with Kate and the kids are going with Josh's parents on a separate flight. They've never flown before and although they're not scared at all, I am.
You guys will feel better very soon. Your time at Disneyland will be glorious. The magic of the Land will over power any illness going on. It always does.
As for clothes? It's March in So. Cal. Flip flops and shorts. Perhaps a light coat or sweatshirt but nothing more.
Strollers are available at the Land. Just grab one for your time there. If you do take one, take the little one.
I only wish I could be there to push the stroller.
By the way...here is the forecast for Anaheim while you are there.
It will be perfect.
Mar 27 Sunny 70°F
Mar 28 Sunny 71°F
Mar 29 Sunny 70°F
Mar 30 Sunny 72°F
Good luck flying! I LOVED it when I was their age. No worries.
Oh, and by the way-
I think you're all fucked in the head. We're 10 hours from the fucking fun park and you want to bail out. Well I'll tell you something. This is no longer a vacation. It's a quest. It's a quest for fun. I'm gonna have fun and you're gonna have fun. We're all gonna have so much fucking fun we'll need plastic surgery to remove our goddamn smiles. You'll be whistling 'Zip-A-Dee Doo-Dah' out of you're assholes! I gotta be crazy! I'm on a pilgrimage to see a moose. Praise Marty Moose! Holy Shit!
Well done Shlee.
I need to see the movie again.
Look kids..."Big Ben".
it's going to be great. and we'll grab a couple drinks one day this week to help convince you more than my weak ass sentence above.
D-Land, oh the magic of D-Land. 'Twill be fabulichioso. (((Wow)))
Lauren and Hayden will be great on the plane. Little ones don't have the insane fears we stupid adults have. And they won't be flying with you, that is a gooood thing. They really don't need your anxiety, they'll be wired enough just being with Tina for the duration.
Good luck Sarah, I hope you all feel better soon. If not at least you'll be sick at D-land and you probably won't feel as bad as at home. I'm with you, I couldn't imagine the kids on a seperate flight, but your mom's right, they don't know that they should be a little bit scared. You will have so much fun. Vasili has been talking about D-land every day since we've been back, he hasn't missed a day. Its been 73 days of talking and trying to remember every detail, I'm going insane. I would bring an umbrella stroller, especially if you have to walk abit to and from the hotel, it would just be a little easier, plus they could run out of stollers. We were in SoCal about 2weeks ago, forcast about 75, it got upto 89, bring shorts. Have Fun!
Oh Sarah I'm so stinkin' jealous - sick or not you're going to Disneyland!!!! It's going to be so fun! Too bad we aren't all going. I wish I could see Lauren and Haydens face when they get there - they are going to flip! :)
2 days!!!!
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