So we finally went to see Josh's dad out in Sheridan. Their miniature dachsunds had puppies in December. Yes, that would be mini minis. Oh yes. There were 5 blonde bundles of fur running around in a kennel. It was a serious cuteness overload. They were pouncing eachother and nearly biting the ears off of their mother. The best was when the mom was nursing them. She's so short that she just stood there while they all got on their backs and slid under her like they were changing the oil. 5 soft little tummies all sticking up while they ate. These pictures are unrelated, just freaking hilarious.

Oh man! That is cuteness overload. I remember in junior high a friend of mine had pugs and when they had puppies good lord were they cute. Pugs are hilarious any time, but the puppies hurt your teeth they were so sweet.
I am sorely disappointed at the lack of "changing the oil" feeding pictures. In the day of the cellphone camera it is just unacceptable.
I must have the little flying sheep guy.
I want a mini mini!!! :) Too bad they turn into dogs....
I love the pictures by the way - the flying sheep is by far the cutest thing ever!
I would name that goat baby Hank.
I LOVE WEINER DOGS!!!! AAHHHH!!! Wow, you'd think that was overemphasizing, but it ain't.
i want the goat!
Emily said it best folks. "Too bad they turn into dogs..."
But really a mini-mini is just cuteness squared.
Does anyone else see "Stephen" lurking in the background of the flying beagle pic?
Ashley is THEE best at naming animals. Hands down.
-And Haley, I agree I want that goat as well.
Ashley, what's a good name for a turtle?
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