(That would be the Mamas and the Papas song) I actually hate them. Josh had the cd when we got married and it got stuck in our cd player in the car when some jerk off broke in and stole just the face of the stereo. You couldn't turn it off, just down. So if you wanted music, it was always the "Best of the Mamas and the Papas". It was my own private hell. Josh still likes them, but he's crazy.
Yesterday was another birthday party day. We had one at 12 at the aquatic center, or as my dad calls it, the bean dip. It was actually really fun. Josh and I didn't have our suits, but the kids played in the pool for almost 2 hours. They were nice and pruney by the time we left. While we were there, we looked into a membership. It's cheap! For $130, the whole family gets in to the pool and gym for 3 months! I think we might do it, we'll see. The place has been totally renovated, so it's really nice now too. They even put in a giant water slide. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Lauren and Hayden going down it. Hayden's brave, but Lauren's a huge wimp. She loved it though!

At 5pm, Lauren had another party at a pizza place. I just dropped her off for this one. No need to sit around and talk to a bunch of people I don't know when I could just come back in an hour and a half.
So after we went to the Thompsons' house on Saturday, I've been feeling a huge weight on me to get my house in order. My goal is going to be getting this house ready to sell, even if it's not going to be for awhile still. Josh was actually contemplating getting a POD in our driveway so we could redo the entire upstairs. We need to replace the carpet, either with new carpet or laminate wood. I think we'd probably go with carpet, but wood would be sweet. We also need to repaint the whole upstairs. Anyone in for some manual labor??? :)
Alright, so I guess I should start doing some of this work I'm talking about. Writing it in a blog won't get it done. Damn.
that waterslide looks flippin sweet! i can help you paint and crap but only on weekends obviously. well im on here not doing my homework.. probably should go do that! : (
What is it about organization (or lack there of) that make us crazy? I feel unsettled so much of the time, even to the point of being anxious. (I know, I'm ridiculous)
I would be happy to help with your re-do. You know your father would, we can't afford to do anything right now and he's "itchin' to do some renovations, even if it's at the Chilcott palace.
Just don't paint it purple. We don't need to go through that again.
I still suffer from PTSD from my days in 'Nam. That's what I call the Hillsboro aquatic center. Yeah. I'm a vet.
Writing in your blog may not get it done but it works well to drum up helpers. Count me in when you are ready.
And it does me good to know that the bean dip has become a nice place.
"the bean dip" were awful people!!
-but i love it-
Just think...
If the California Highway Patrol went to the Aquatic Center....
Chips and dip.....
I know what you are thinking..
I don't usually LOL (And I NEVER write lol, but I didn't want to write it all out, but now look at me go) but I laughed so hard at bean dip.
Sarah you know we're there to help if or when you need us - just let us know so we can dump the kids off on the Powells.. hehehe :)
Oh and by the way - $130 for a membership for 3 months for the whole family.... now you've got me itchin' for one too... bummer we don't have $130 right now.... maybe after we get a few more of these medical bills paid off.... damn preemies they suck up all your money even when they are 2 1/2 and completely healthy (thank God - knock on wood...)!
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