Flash for the cure, really?
Amy and I have this little game, where we point out all the ridiculous breast cancer awareness merchandise that is out on the market. We have seen gardening supplies, dog collars, shoes, excercise & sports equipment, various foods including tomato soup, all types of jewelery, and so many more. But today tops it for me. Flash drives for the cure, what a joke.
This just happens to be the anniversary of my grandma's death, and seeing crap like this makes me want to hurt someone. I am fully supportive of finding a cure and the pink ribbon is something that I think is very important. I just wish that every single company in the world didn't think of it as a way to get people to buy their crap.
I will purposely NOT buy these stupid flash drives, even if a need for them arises.
I think if I were to see "T.P. for the Cure" or "Lube for the Cure", I would give up on the human race.
Lube's my limit.
Amen Sarah.
Kansas bought me Race for the Cure cinnamon the other day. The randomness of it was too good for him to pass up, I guess. What's weird is...he doesn't like cinnamon. Do you think that means that he also dislikes breasts? Hmmm.
They have t.p. for the cure - Charmin sells it.... I am not even joking... pretty rediculous if you ask me.
Emily- That's it. I'm outta here!
*kills self*
Somebody might want to go check on Ashley - make sure no wrists have been slit or something of that nature....
Agreed Sarah. It's pretty crappy that companies take advantage of something so close to home to many of us.....just for a frickin buck! URGH!
Update: Ashley is ok. She didn't kill herself over Race for the Cure TP.
It's true! Breast cancer has quickly become the most over-exposed disease on the planet. It's the Paris Hilton of diseases.
What is mind boggling is that it isn't even the number one killer of women in America, heart disease is.
But because it isn't something you can cure, you can mearly raise awareness and live a healthier life, some people don't feel it is a "cause". Makes me sick.
Sooo, on a slightly different slant... I once went to workout wearing my mom's old t-shirt. Yeah, no problem there... 'cept twas her Breast Cancer Survivor Pink Shirt! OOOps! My bad. I had some sincerely "sweet" looks. (She's gonna live...)
I felt like such a boob
(see what I did there? Boob?)
i agree sarah. its ridiculous!! everywhere you look there is breast cancer crap! what are they gonna think of next?
Mom remember last years race - Lauren wasn't feeling well and was wearing grammas old pink hat and a bit coat and looked mighty pathetic - she had a ton of looks of "oh that sweet dear - already a survivor".... I remember hearing a family say "that little girls a survivor" to their little girl about Laurens age. I just about wet myself.....
I want pics of your costume posted forthwith! And Josh's too.
We're working on finding pictures. The whole day/night was a whirlwind and somehow I never took a picture at the party. I'm an idiot. I do have a picture of Kate as a lobster that I need to get off the camera and post. Soon lil one.
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