Today was one of those days...
Josh got up with the kids and got them ready. I woke up a few minutes before they were going to leave for school and went down to help get them out the door. They left, so I came back upstairs to snuggle with the still sleeping Kate. I fell asleep nursing her, thinking this was going to be a great, peaceful day with both older kids in school. At 8:40ish, I got a call from the school. "William (Hayden's first name for those who don't know) doesn't have school today" is what the cruel receptionist tells me. So, I have to get myself and Kate dressed. We were freaking asleep! So, that sucked...
Hayden came home and we hung out for the morning and early afternoon. It wasn't awful or anything, but he was bored and kept asking me when we would be going to get Lauren or when we were going to have lunch or any other question he could come up with. So, not peaceful.
At about 1:30, I realized it was early release day. That means that I have to be at the school at 2:05, rather than 2:35. I was showered, but not dressed. Kate was neither. I still hadn't had any lunch, because it's kind of hard to get yourself food when you have a newborn attached to your boob all the time. So, we left to get Lauren and I hadn't eaten since 7:45 am.
Thennnnn...I got to the school and had to circle the parking lot 3 times before finding a place to park. I sent Hayden to retrieve Lauren so I wouldn't have to get out of the car with the baby. After a few minutes, I'm starting to wonder where my children are. Just then, the principal comes up to the window and informs me that she won't let them walk all the way to the curb. I will have to drive around to get them. I wanted to hurt her. So anyway, it took me 10 minutes to get her. It ususally takes about 2.
After that, our day was great. We spent a few hours at Emily's house. She made me coffee, God bless her.
I am aware that this was THE lamest post in the history of posts. Oh well, you get what you get. I'll throw in a funny picture to make it better.