I realized that I hadn't shared my news with every single person in the universe yet. We're having a girl! Our ultrasound was two weeks ago and the guy confirmed that we don't make good guesses. We were convinced it was a boy, had started calling "it" by the name we had for a boy. Josh would ask me a few times a day how the boy was doing and without hesitation, I would say that he was doing great. I apologize to my sweet unborn baby girl.
If I was a computer whiz and happened to have access to a scanner, I would post a picture of the ultrasound. Let me assure you that it's a good 'un. She's precious, even in black and white.
Last night was Hayden's last teeball game. I already miss it. He was so freakin' cute too. Both sets of grandparents showed up for the game. We were all cheering for him at one point while he was running from third to home. I wish I had been able to capture the look on his face at that moment. It was pure determination. He was running so hard and then did the single lamest slide I've ever seen. He landed directly on his butt with absolutely no sliding. When he stood up, he was so proud and wouldn't smile at us. He was all business, it was fantastic.
that's so easy to picture (hayden's slide), it's alarming. and hilarious. hilarming. alarious. i need a nap.
Baby girl! I does me good to hear that again. I am so excited to have another "hunter" coming into the family. Cannot wait.
And Hayden "crashing" into home plate was priceless. And then how he got up and trotted back to the dugout like he owned the field..glorious.
Way to go Hayden. Great season. I am looking so forward to many years of ball to come.
Well I suppose if this is how I hear the news....then so be it! Congratulations you guys!!! I'm so excited for you!! Love you.
I don't have anything particularly funny to say.... I'm watching Arrested Development for the 87th time and nothing I can think of comes even close to the funny I am witnessing. I love Gob. Hey, you could name your daughter Gob!! Way to get back on topic, Ashley!
By the way, for anyone who has been under a rock for the past 5 years, its pronounced "Jobe" Like "robe", not "gob" like "rob".
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