It's really freakin' hot today. We got the dumpster delivered to our house today so I really should be outside working in the yard. I refuse.
That's all I have for you today. Too hot.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
It's a Girl!!

I realized that I hadn't shared my news with every single person in the universe yet. We're having a girl! Our ultrasound was two weeks ago and the guy confirmed that we don't make good guesses. We were convinced it was a boy, had started calling "it" by the name we had for a boy. Josh would ask me a few times a day how the boy was doing and without hesitation, I would say that he was doing great. I apologize to my sweet unborn baby girl.
If I was a computer whiz and happened to have access to a scanner, I would post a picture of the ultrasound. Let me assure you that it's a good 'un. She's precious, even in black and white.
Last night was Hayden's last teeball game. I already miss it. He was so freakin' cute too. Both sets of grandparents showed up for the game. We were all cheering for him at one point while he was running from third to home. I wish I had been able to capture the look on his face at that moment. It was pure determination. He was running so hard and then did the single lamest slide I've ever seen. He landed directly on his butt with absolutely no sliding. When he stood up, he was so proud and wouldn't smile at us. He was all business, it was fantastic.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Oregonians, Here is Your Challenge

Fabulous! I am loving this blogger thing more every day. I started blogging because I would tell Amy funny things that the kids said or did and she would repeatedly tell me that I needed to write it down, specifically in a blog. I assumed she would be the only one reading it. Now it is so much more than that. There are people who I talk to more on this blog than in "real" life. It's such a brilliant way to keep in touch.
I got a myspace message from my cousin Nikki today. She started her own blog (see Nikki Troll at right). Nikki lives in Arizona **tear** with her husband and son. We haven't actually seen each other in years, but she reads all of our blogs to keep up with our daily/weekly/monthly goings on. She has told me several times how cool it is to check in on us all. I am so excited to do the same with her.
Now is where the challenge comes in...people of Oregon, you are commanded to lure Nikki to move here. She is weak, I know it. They will cave eventually. I sure as hell am not moving to Arizona, that is all I can say, so the only other choice is to get her here. The next step (I am way ahead of myself) is to get her brother John to move here too. Okay, go.
Oh, and in case you're wondering what the picture is, it's my first suggestion to Nikki. This is the desert, Oregon is much prettier. :)
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Poop Hole

Yeah, I know what you're thinking. Poop hole? Sarah's gone mad. Nope, that's just what Lauren and Hayden call our new toy. Well, it's not really a toy, but it is pretty cool. We ordered a Doggie Dooley Toilet 3500. Sounds pretty nifty, eh? It's a plastic bucket you bury in a hole in your lawn. (See diagram 1)The hinged lid pops up with your foot and you insert the dog poop. Then you add water and this crazy enzyme mixture that is supposed to turn the poop into liquid so it can seep out into your grass. Gross, huh? I can't wait to use it.
So on that same note, we're finally working on the backyard. This Saturday we are having the truck deliver our cement for the patio. It's going to look so nice. Then we will put down sod around the patio as soon as the cement is dry and ready to walk on. Party at our house as soon as the project is complete! We will have a backyard!!!
Well, I have some really important stuff to take care of now. I HAVE to watch some Entourage before falling asleep. I know, poor me, right? I do so much for the greater good.

Oh, and this is a picture of the Backyardigans, from Nick Jr. They are just damn cute and fit with the backyard theme. The pink one is named Uniqua. Oh yeah.
Notpron is the Devil

So if you haven't already read it on Jon's blog, go here: You will waste time, I guarantee it. I am on level 11 and just about ready to have a stroke. It makes me feel dumber than ever. (I'm aware that dumber isn't a word)
Aside from that, today was a good day. I saw a good friend who I haven't hung out with in FAR too long. We had lunch at Juan Colorado's and then came back to my house to catch up. It was good to see her and I will be sure to keep in better touch.
My baby sister, who's not a baby, had a softball game today. When she was up at bat, the freakin' pitcher nailed her right in the thumb. I know deep down that that girl was out to get her. She's a meanie. Anyway, her thumb nail ripped off and she may have broken something. No good, her last game is this Friday. After that, she will join the ranks in the unathletic post high school group. (me) I can't believe she's graduating in a month. It reminds me of how long I've been out of school and that makes me feel ANCIENT. Oh well, so is the circle of life.
Sorry this was the LAMEST blog entry yet. I have nothing funny to say. Except for this: What's the difference between a musical instrument and a fish? You can't tuna fish. (Thank you Trader Joe's juice box)
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