I felt the baby move last night. It was for sure the baby this time. About a week or so ago, I felt something, but it turns out it was probably just gas. Attractive, eh? Seriously, pregnancy causes a ridiculous and almost inhuman amount of gas, so it's easy to mistake a pending fart for your baby. But it really was the little soccer player this time and it was really cool.
Today was my prenatal appointment too. We got to hear the heartbeat again, only much louder and clearer this time. The kids and my mom came with me. It was awesome to have her there and the kids really got a kick out of hearing "their" baby. They promptly lost any sort of interest and went into the hallway to color.
While we were in the appointment, the midwife suggested showing some kind of book or video to the kids to prepare them for the birth. She gave me a dvd and book combo that shows some incredibly wierd pictures. One has a little boy, about 5ish with his head under his mom's butt, apparently awaiting his new brother. I don't want anyone's head that close to my butt. Ever.
I think when the time comes, we will just play it by ear and see if the kids are allowed in the room during the actual birth. They will probably be much happier downstairs with my dad, brother and other banished men anyway.
PS The picture is the ugliest baby on the planet. Thank God it's only a cartoon.
What? You don't want Hayden's head up your butt - I'm so confused.... :) I can't wait to feel it kick too - sadly that's not for a while still... damn it Sarah - grow that baby faster please - I'm ready to meet him/her!!! :) ______ James Chilcott or _______ Lynn Chilcott - have you thought of any first names yet by the way?
Yeah, if your baby comes out looking like that soccer loving freak baby then I'm not going to be able to love it. Sorry.
I can attest to the creepy, child looking up the mother's a$$ picture. Alarming! That child will have YEARS of therapy! Mark my words!
PS. We showed the movie to the kids and the only thing that really freaked them out was the picture of the placenta. Hayden's pretty sure I'm going to die when I have this baby.
Hah!! I think a little trauma is good for them. As long as you don't cook the placenta and make them eat it or anything. Yeah, I don't think I can remain friends/sister-types with you if you eat the placenta. I don't care how many vitamins are in there.
Oh God, not to worry. The placenta will be tossed... or maybe...not.
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