You've probably seen this, but I randomly got it stuck in my head the other night and it won't go away.
Anyway, it's funny.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I felt the baby move last night. It was for sure the baby this time. About a week or so ago, I felt something, but it turns out it was probably just gas. Attractive, eh? Seriously, pregnancy causes a ridiculous and almost inhuman amount of gas, so it's easy to mistake a pending fart for your baby. But it really was the little soccer player this time and it was really cool.
Today was my prenatal appointment too. We got to hear the heartbeat again, only much louder and clearer this time. The kids and my mom came with me. It was awesome to have her there and the kids really got a kick out of hearing "their" baby. They promptly lost any sort of interest and went into the hallway to color.
While we were in the appointment, the midwife suggested showing some kind of book or video to the kids to prepare them for the birth. She gave me a dvd and book combo that shows some incredibly wierd pictures. One has a little boy, about 5ish with his head under his mom's butt, apparently awaiting his new brother. I don't want anyone's head that close to my butt. Ever.
I think when the time comes, we will just play it by ear and see if the kids are allowed in the room during the actual birth. They will probably be much happier downstairs with my dad, brother and other banished men anyway.
PS The picture is the ugliest baby on the planet. Thank God it's only a cartoon.
Monday, April 23, 2007
What a Weekend!

We had Molly for the weekend. I love her so much and she is one of the funniest kids I've ever known. That being said, she is almost 2 and you probably know what that means. She's bipolar. I remember when Lauren was that age, she would go from happy and smiling to screaming and throwing things in a matter of 2 seconds, with absolutely no provoking. It really is pretty humorous after the initial shock. It was a good weekend for us, a constant reminder of where we'll be in about 2 years. Whew, we're starting all over again.
I have to give Molly some credit though, we made her go go go all weekend. We started out Friday night by being the responsible adults we know we can be. She had a wholesome dinner, a bath and was in bed by 8pm. Yes, that is the way you are SUPPOSED to take care of a toddler.
Saturday morning, it all turned to crap. We had to have Hayden at his game to warm up by 10:30am. Josh took him, while I got the girls ready and headed to the store to buy a birthday gift for Lauren's classmate. We somehow made it to the game, present in the car, by 11:20. We then headed to Chipotle for lunch with Josh's parents and then directly to the birthday party, arriving only 20 minutes late. Molly did really well at the party, playing with all the 6 year olds and eating cake. When she'd had enough, we went home. She took a 2 1/2 hour nap and then we were off again! The kids spent the night with Josh's family and we stayed there for pizza. She didn't get to bed until almost 10 that night, poor baby.
So besides the random aversion to Josh, the crayon on the back of my couch and the cheerios and milk all over the floor, we had a pretty good weekend! But it's nice to be back to our "quiet" house again.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Mmm, botulism anyone?

So, I have a funny story. You may not think it's funny, but I do. And that's all that really matters.
I was making enchiladas for dinner the other night, which really didn't sound good to me, but hey, it's food. We were waiting patiently for it to finish cooking when I get the wierdest phone call I've ever received. My neighbor, who I've only spoken to a few times and I didn't know she had my phone number...called. She was calling to offer me her leftover chicken wings. I thought it was strange, but kind of nice. She said she was going to just toss them if I didn't want them, so I said, "I'll take 'em!"
I went over to her house to retrieve my leftover wings. When she opened the door, I noticed that she has absolutely NO furniture in her house. There was a gigantic computer desk and a dining room table, that's it. But what was wierder is that she didn't give me cooked chicken, but a plasic bag full of RAW chicken wings, skin and tips intact. Ewwwwwww.
I didn't want to waste them, so I went home and made a really yummy marinade and let them soak for the next 24 hours. It made a sweet dinner for the next night, but I was pretty sure we were all going to die from some freaky chicken disease. We didn't.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Deep Thoughts to Doughnuts

Last night, we watched an incredibly well done and entirely disturbing movie. It's called "Downfall" and it's the story of Hitler's last days told by his personal secretary. It's in German, with English subtitles, so watching it with my glasses was a little hard. (old prescription) But I really do recommend the movie. It actually had me crying. I don't cry in movies, ever. There is a scene towards the end where everyone is pretty much desperate. The Russians are just around the corner and the Germans have no way out. Hitler and close friends and associates have hunkered down in a bunker under Berlin, planning to kill themselves if the Germans lose. They all pretty much deserve what's coming to them, but there is a woman with her 5 children with them.
I just kept thinking about how wierd it is to me for someone to commit suicide for honor. I don't really get it. I always think about that when watching something to do with Samurai too. It seems so pathetic, rather than honorable to shoot yourself in the head to get out of having to deal with what you're up against. Basically, these are my deep thoughts for the day. There, I'm going to have another doughnut.
PS. The picture is a genuine Hitler Teapot. Wow.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Educational Programming

For any of you who have children, you probably know what I'm talking about when I say that there is nothing good left for kids to watch. I'm not particularly worried about it being appropriate for them, I let my kids watch Nacho Libre, Napoleon Dynamite, Wayne's World and School of Rock over and over again. What I am worried about is the subliminal messages coming from the shows on OPB. You know, the ones they are supposed to be watching? For example, there's a show called "Big Big World" on at 10am (I think). It's a freakshow I tell you. The main character is a sloth named Snook with the voice of someone who sounds suspiciously like Keanu Reeves. He sounds high and talks about how slowly he moves throughout the whole show. Then there's an egomaniac bird named Birdette (yes, very original) who constantly talks about how beautiful she is. Ugh, and I thought Barney was evil.
The only show left with any worth is "Jakers". If you haven't seen it yet, make a date some weekday morning to watch it. It cracks me up. It's about a bunch of little kids who happen to be a bull, a duck and a pig. Yeah, that's a likely grouping. Anyway, they all happen to be Scottish too. Hilarious.
On a completely unrelated note, Lauren is pretty sure she's been part of a major crime scene investigation. She keeps telling Hayden about the "cops" at Nordstrom Rack. We were shoe shopping during Hayden's class today. As we were getting into the car we saw about 5 or 6 police cars pull up with their lights on and a bunch of German Shepherd wielding cops jumped out. It was pretty obvious that some serious crap was going down. I assured her that they had it under control, but she wanted me to "speed away" as she put it. So I did. It wasn't like there were any cops available to pull me over anyway. She got a kick out of it.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Play Ball!

It's been awhile since my last post. I'd love to tell you that I've had a lot of interesting things going on and that I have so much to fill you all in on. I don't, not really. What has been keeping me from my blogging is the softball/teeball that is taking over my life. Hayden and Lauren are playing and there are 4 games/practices to take them to (and stay at) every week. It's a little much but it's so worth it to see them out there playing baseball. It's freaking adorable.
And since I know you're dying to know about how my pregnancy is going, who isn't? Oh, well since you's going great! I am not sick anymore, which is definitely a relief. I have my appetite back, only it's for the wierdest crap. I went into Albertson's tonight to pick up something for dinner and came out with (no, I'm not kidding) 2 Totino's pizzas, 2 tubes of Pringles, a block of Tillamook cheese, a box of granola bars and a lb of butter. Josh just looked at me and didn't say a thing. We are having mac n' cheese and pizzas for dinner tonight. It won't kill us.
That is all I have to say about that. Yeah, you can call me Forest, Forest Gump.
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