If you don't already know what that means, it's from a book I bought for my aunt Sarah about 10 years ago. It was called, "'Scuse Me While I Kiss This Guy, and Other Misheard Lyrics". It was stinkin' hilarious. There were a bunch in there that everyone, or at least I could relate to. My all time favorite is still the "Blinded by the light! Wrapped up like a douche, another roner in the night". Supposedly those are the wrong lyrics, but I'm not buying it.
You may wonder where the hell I'm going with this...
I have been noticing all the Christmas songs that are completely ruined by my father and husband, along with many others. I was just saying to my dad and Josh the other day that I was surprised by how FEW they had ruined for me. That got me thinking. Now I notice EVERY time one comes on the radio.
A few examples:
Walking in a Winter Wonderland..."Walking 'Round in Womens' Underwear" (Thanks to both dad and Josh)
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year...not so much a wording difference, but I always hear Devon's voice doing an accented version of the song.
I'll Be Home For Christmas..."I'll Be a Gnome For Christmas" (Credit to dad)
I can't think of any more at the moment, but I'm sure they'll come to me.
For some reason all that came to mind (and I know its not a Christmas song) is "Jamesie, you are a monkey, you are a monkey, you are a chimp!" to the Star Wars theme.
Also, its not a classic Christmas song per se, but James would always randomly sing "Martin, the Christmas Dog" to the tune of "Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo". Oh, Martin... He's leaving greasy piles of goo behind furniture in that big bedroom in the sky now.
I hear Devon's voice every time that song plays too. It's amazing the influence that guy has. He could lead a cult.
Oh Martin J Dog. There will be no one to stalk the Christmas tree this year! Well, I guess we do have Molly.
Kara, you didn't know about the cult Devon started? It's a big hit!
Two things: As I said earlier, it makes me feel famous when you mention me in your blog. Watch out Paris... and secondly, please try to comment on our blog because I set it up to accept comments and the little phrase "0 comments" looks really pathetic. Thanks. By the way, the songs that your dad has ruined for me are too numerous to count, but "aint no woman like the one-eyed glop" comes to mind.
I thought of two more songs my dad has ruined. "Merry Christmas to you" is forever "Merry Christmas, f*%# you".
And..."Feliz Navidad" is "Fleas on the Dog".
I could keep adding them all day if I sat and thought hard enough.
I love the "Fleas on the Dog" one. So many Christmas songs ruined forever, alas. Or a lad. See now I'm doing it.
By the by- I hope you're still planning to cometo the Shins on Wednesday. If you are we could just meet up at the apartment at like 8 or so (depending on when doors open), toss a few back and head down. I guess let me know by then.
P.s. My word verification is "vtjimns". And my mind keeps trying so hard to make it read "vitamins" but it always comes out "vit-ja-mins". hehehe....
Now it says "bbxiu".
I keep reading it as "bubba-zoo!!!" (Like "bubbaloo" only its a zoo)- you know, like the Chinese pronounciation of "xiu". I think. I should mention I don't speak Chinese.
Well, I just found out doors open at 8, so maybe we should meet at 7 for the drinkage. If that's okay with thine self.
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