So I keep having this picture of Peg Boggs from Edward Scissorhands going through my head. The scene where she walks into his giant scary house and says, "Avon calling!". The reason for this constant thought is that I became an Avon lady this week. I know how incredibly cliche it is to sell Avon when you're a stay at home mom. I don't care. I actually started selling it because I needed more blush and I don't have an Avon lady. My friend Kristina was selling it for awhile but she isn't anymore and I am out of blush! (This is no ordinary blush either) I also get most of my stocking stuffers for Christmas from Avon. Where was I going to find all that chapstick, bodywash and mini bubble bath? I decided to sign up and see what happens. I love it! It's so cheap that I don't feel like I have to encourage people to buy anything. When I was doing Mary Kay I always felt like a fraud. I couldn't even afford it! Anyway, I was just thinking about this scene and had to find a picture of it. Here it is. Oh, and does anyone have an order? Just kidding. Ok, I'm not kidding.
I forgot to see if Angela was going to order anything.... when are you placing your order - or have you already for this time around?
I already spoke to her. Don't worry your pretty little head about it. :)
Speaking of pretty little heads... I wore that shirt today - the one I bought with you - it actually looked really cute and I got some comments on it.... awesome huh!!!
I was up cause I was all jet-lagged and nonsense. That's better now. Now I just have cough syrup with vicadin. Yes, it's a one woman party.
It will be good to see you Saturday. It seems too long. Oh, and I'm a dead ballerina. Comlete with black tutu and ruffle butt knickers.
Now that's what I call a SERIOUS dedication to blush. And yes, it is cliche, but its cliche cause it makes sense and so lots of moms do it. There. That's a nice little rationalization for ya ;)
And if I ever need makeup or completely random body products, I know who I'll call now!
By the way, Jenna's gonna be a dead ballerina too. Weeeeiiiiird!
That's hilarious! Who'd have thunk there'd be 2 of 'em! (Dead ballerinas that is...) Is Jenna coming to the party? And Denoosh?
Notice I'm not giving you the option...
Hehe... yeah I picked up on that :)
I asked Jenna and Denise if they wanted to go and the general assumption was yes.
Denise's exact response was "I think I'm invited to another party that night too, so we should party hop (I wont be doing that, I'm a one-party kinda gal, but she doesn't know that).
And Jenna doesn't drink anymore, but she still seemed enthused to come.
So, in all of the hecticness of moving, I have NO clue where the invitation went. So what time is it/ what time should I come? And I can just call you tomorrow for directions. I know the general area, but you know how windy (by the way thats wind - like you wind a clock, not like blowing air) those streets are...
Sure, call me tomorrow. I'll have my cell phone on all day. The party starts at 8. We should be there by then.
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