I can't believe what I did this morning. I had written into my little calendar(mentioned in a previous post) that my son had preschool today. It said "PK-Trick or Treating" for today. I got him all ready in his costume and took him to school. Yeah, no school today. That would have been embarrassing enough but to make matters worse, there was another class there today. We got all the way inside the class before I figured it out. I'm so glad he didn't have a costume involving any face paint or anything. We just slipped him out of his "armies" as he's calling them and continued on with our day. What a HUGE dork I am. Man!
On a completely different note...the Halloween party was a major success. There were a lot of people and almost everyone had a great costume. There were a few who showed up later with little or no costume. They were lucky we were all drunk by the time they got there. Otherwise, they would have had to wear the Mr. Potato Head costume that was tucked away for their kind. You know the kind. They put on something slightly different than their everyday clothes and maybe cover themselves in glitter or something but by no means are they wearing a costume. Losers.
My personal favorite costumes of the year...
-My own husband who was Alex from "A Clockwork Orange". He was creepy and wonderful. The jock strap with cup was pretty sexy too... Ok, maybe not.
-Angela who was an "Anxiety Attack" wearing a t-shirt with prescription meds taped to it and was carrying a GIANT martini glass and had mascara running down her face.
-Giovanni who came as Jack from Jack in the Box. He had a paper mache head that looked EXACTLY like the guy from the commercials. It was perfect.
-Jen as the girl from "The Birds" with little bloody birds all over her. Classic.
-My uncle Rob as a nun. Nuff said.
-Devon as Moses, accompanied by his girlfriend Kendra, who was none other than a beer bottle.
Oh man, there are so many that I can't remember at the moment. It was all good. Very nicely done Amy!